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/n/ - NEET

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Would anyone come looking for you if you dropped dead?

I know some people would send me e-mails and such, but I can't think of anyone who would do anything other than that or be slightly concerned that I don't respond.

I'm curious to hear your thinking.


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I think the unholy stench of my rotten corpse would be noticed way before anyone would come looking. But I'm certain that *somebody* would.


People would probably figure out if i dont log on anymore.
But since i have no real friends nothing else would happen.


I have a bad habit of assuming something horrible has happened to people I talk to online if I don't see them for over a week, in which case I go text them or check their steam or something to see if they're alive.

My online friends would probably notice. I live with someone, so he would notice. My mum would notice as well, at least while I'm living in my current residence.

There's no saying how long it would take to find me if I were to live by myself though. Probably until I didn't look like a human being anymore.


My mom would notice since Im lucky enough to have a good mom

But if she dies before me itll probably be at least a week before my death is discovered. Im just a worthless, lowly excuse of a person. Its only expected my death would go without notice


If it weren't for my parents and my brother, I may have committed suicide already. I don't mean to be some edgy fag, I say this without a hint of hyperbole.


No death goes unnoticed, because there are far, far too many jackwagons that want money from you. They'll figure it out really quick, then demand your relatives pay your debts and take care of your funeral arrangements.


well you have a trip. so people might ocaisionally go, oh, look, a tripfag stopped using his trip.

I post anonymously so you wouldnt even know I wasnt here.


This is the destiny of uboafats


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