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/n/ - NEET

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File: 1420755118402.jpg (196.56 KB, 736x482, Rorschach_blot_01.jpg)


I am I only one who thinks this looks exactly like a hip bone?


It looks like two winged figures about to give each other a high five.


It looks like 2 pokémons climbing to a fountain of water.


It looks like two weird pig-angel things climbing the end of a banister parallel to each other.
Or a hip bone.


File: 1420774212571.jpg (196.7 KB, 500x375, Alpha_3.jpg)

I think it looks like a giant robot


Was thinking the exact same thing m8>>13378


You guys all got it wrong, it's two penguins dragging a dissected giant ant by it's pincers.


File: 1420909142224.png (Spoiler Image, 72.39 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


File: 1420909557409.png (Spoiler Image, 72.4 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

I thought this was kind of wierd. It's a dress with shoes and wings shooting clouds of steam out of the skirt.


Phantasmic bears erupting from a bifurcated humanoid's skull who has assumed a dramatic pose.


sure, it looks like a hip bone

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