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What are some things that you guys do in order to occupy yourself, whilst making your day seem more structured/purposeful? Other than the standard of video games/anime, what other hobbies do you have?

I enjoy going for walks (especially when it snows) or staring out the windows if it's raining. I've also been trying my hand at art (mainly just doodles for now), poetry and writing, and the guitar (along with the piano).

I know there's an older thread, but I didn't want to necro, so what's new?


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I sink a lot of time into browsing the internet, but other than that I do [or attempt to do] drawing, cooking, learning and more recently working out.

If you're not proficient at cooking already, I highly suggest taking it up. Not only it's a good life skill to have, it also never gets boring, because there are so many things you can do [+variations of those things!] and you can eat them, too. After you learn the mechanical part of cooking, get into spices and sauces to make chef-tier stuff. I always feel happy about myself when I cook something nice, and honestly, I don't feel happy about myself often.

Learning stuff doesn't necessarily have to be a chore. Find a subject you are genuinely interested in, and do it in your own pace. Maybe pick up a language? Find out how to do origami? Become highly knowledgeable about the middle ages? The choice is yours. Knowing too much is never going to be an issue, and if you have a lot of time to spend, it's a pretty good way to spend it.

As for working out - I am still horribly weak and I started out small, but I can feel the positive effects already. You will never feel worse after a workout, and chances are you will feel better as working out releases endorphins. I also have a lot of trouble sleeping, so tiring myself out helps. Not to mention it's going to make me stronger and healthier in the long run.


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Drawing and writing music arrangement. That's pretty much what I can do at the moment, though barriers comes in you when you start running out of creative ideas in the middle of development or sometimes every pieces you did just doesn't satisfy your need, you can blame on OCD on that. Its getting harder and harder on doing it especially when you don't have someone that know your stuff to talk to.


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>Learning stuff doesn't necessarily have to be a chore
Yeah, I learned this to be true recently. I was so drained because of school that I didn't want to learn, or really do anything. I've also been learning korean, and been practicing my cooking skills whenever I have the chance to go out and by my own ingredients.

Congrats on working out, I'm also fairly weak myself, but what's amazing is seeing the difference in action when your body can do something that it physically couldn't do a couple weeks ago.

What kind of arrangements do you do? I wish I could help, but I've more or less forgotten all of the classical theory I did as a child. What inspires you to keep producing? Anon, fighting!


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It was a composition I were working on when I was still in a band and never got it finish.

I think the song sounds too complicated and qualmish if you listen it numerously. I want to make it more simpler, less cheesy and sound nice which I'm still noodle around on how to do it.

Given the tempo is quite fast, played at 185 bpm and the piano was partly finished mainly because it was the only most tedious and difficult score I ever wrote.

I think the piano part is challenging to do, but for me what really harder than that is to make it sound simpler, ease and nice.

Btw, I made that song for my waifu btw and also I haven't done the lyric of that song yet. Pic related.


math is pretty fun when you learn it on your own!


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I'd love to give it a listen if you have a sample laying around. Also yeah, 185bpm is pretty quick, but I suppose an editing program would make the process easier.

>I think the song sounds too complicated and qualmish if you listen it numerously.

I've edited a couple of my friend's short films/projects, and I know this feel exactly. Get an outsider's perspective on it, as I'm sure that the entire thing just sounds strange to you now. Anyways, good luck anon.

What are you learning at the moment? I've always hated math past simple algebra.

>pic semi-related, picture I took in Japan


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I like walks, too.
Almost all of my time is spent online. Sometimes I play games. I do learn about and research a variety of things regularly, but rarely become an expert. If I could live forever, I would be love to learn about and become skilled in literally everything. For me, it is difficult to stick with just one activity for longer than a few days. The world is rich with such a variety of deep and fascinating things! Even simple things you wouldn't give a second look can be an art in themselves.

I have endless things I -want- to do, and which I consider hobby interests of mine, but do rarely. The most regular thing I do is probably writing. It happens organically, regularly throughout the day. I don't have great purpose, or intentionally sit down and do it, but rather more a collection of many smaller short ideas that occur to me throughout the day. I kind of have a giant .txt journal filled with stuff like this which I've been keeping for at least 6 years. I even keep a notebook in my pocket at all times, and transfer the contents to the .txt file. I feel like this is how most hobbies should be - not work or trying, but flowing out of the moment.
I want to draw/make art, but I don't have the supplies. I have my own style, so I don't need to jump over any learning hoops, I simply need the supplies and I can get goin. I draw weird abstract things a lot, but I also like designing inventions or fashion or buildings/rooms or tech devices -lots of things! Sometimes my .txt file ideas need to be illustrated to be fully expressed and expanded upon. I really really want to draw on physical paper for the past 2 weeks, but I need to see if I can afford it at the end of this month. Same with LEGO, awesome to create but expensive to invest in. I want to make music, but getting into synthesizers is a hassle. I try now-and-then. Actual instruments are too temporary and fickle, but maybe I'll do more Ocarina and harmonica some day. I'd love to have a keyboard. I'd also like to learn how to use my yoyos properly. I want to learn more Japanese, and I love dipping my toes in all kinds of languages. Writing systems especially. There are a million games I want to play. I'd like to become skilled in some competitive game, but have never had a group to play with. I want to learn tai chi and martial arts. I have some Tai Chi videos I've been meaning to sit down and mimic. Another thing I like is fashion, though I rarely use that skill these days. I just window-shop online sometimes. I draw outfit ideas and save images of things I like. Speaking of saving images, I save lots and lots of images, text, websites, books - anything online that I find particularly valuable. This is a daily thing. These all form a huge personal library of inspiration, carefully organized. If I find something, it has a particular folder to go into. I also like just thinking or doing nothing. Some people call that meditation. But I think it absolutely counts as a hobby, and is essential to living. Thinking critically and abstractly about things I'm passionate about feels productive. I also -enjoy- reading, but I can never stick with a single book long enough to finish it. I do read Lord of the Rings and Tolkien stuff, though. I'm always somewhere in Middle-earth.

Lately (past 2 or 3 weeks?) I've been purposefully listening to music again. Entire albums at once! For a long time I haven't been "into" music like I used to be. I'd listen to a new album when it came out, or sometimes look up remixes of game songs I like, but nothing lasting weeks of sustained interest. As a result of this, my music brain is more ON than ever, so I've been fumbling around in synthesizers too. I have had my own particular idea for music creation in my brain for a long time now, but I haven't been able to express it yet because I lack familiarity with instruments which would express it.


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World domination is a nice hobby, whether it is to be achieved or not is somewhat irrelevant.

We've gotten much further than I expected and it's weird when you achieve something that you previously had tried to convince yourself was unachievable and could never be more than a hobby. When things go your way and start happening in ways that you thought could only be fantasy it feels really weird, like reality is not the way you thought it was.

Fantasy is just a reality yet to be, much like a prophecy that is always waiting to come true but may never.


nothing too advanced, i feel confident with elementary linear algebra (up to eigenvalues and eigenvectors) and integral calculus + infinite series (what is usually covered in calc 2)


also im gonna try to learn multivariable calculus and maybe get into more formal/logic/proof mathematics


I too have troubles with jumping interests, it really is hard to just pick something and stick with it, especially because there's so much to do. I want to get a prescription for a.d.d meds or something.

>it's weird when you achieve something that you previously had tried to convince yourself was unachievable
This is what inspired me to start doing things again. When you finally accomplish whatever you were trying to do, the journey, in hindsight, seems short and easy.


Singing to songs is nice but I don't live alone so I'm somewhat restricted on that front


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I've always done poorly in the more complicated math. What are you learning for? Future jobs? Because you enjoy it?

I've always loved singing along, I don't know when I got insecure and stopped singing, but i've recently started singing habitually again, I don't know how good I -actually- sound, but I've been getting better at controlling my voice, I think. I'm still be too embarrassed to sing online, let alone in-front of actual people though.


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>I'd love to give it a listen if you have a sample laying around.


pass : [spoiler]Shion[/spoiler]

I worked really hard on this and already done further more. This is an OP version. The problem that keeps bugging me is at the first 40 second, I don't actually really like on that part and I hope to make it simpler but I couldn't.


It sounds really good! There are some minor timing issues, and I see what you're saying about it being too complicated at some points, but I think its fitting, if you're going for that kind of feel.

I hope to start a project soon myself. What are you using to record? I have an MPC, a guitar and an old keyboard & grand piano (but no mic to record), so I'll be working mostly with samples from vinyls.



Well, I don't actually do that much of recording since most of the time I wrote the score using Aria Maestosa.

If I do record stuff simply because of some new idea pops into my head, then I used HappyEO Pro to play the piano on computer keyboard then save it as midi.

Maybe soon if I finish writing all the scores, then it would be a good idea to make it sound richer using a better midi interface and VST. I happen to blew up my computer audio device before when I was playing around with my VST. So i think i need to invest on a good external audio card in order to do that professionally but i don't have the money for that right now.

btw you mention that there were some minor off timing on that music? Does it starts somewhere at 1:50 or which part is it? Actually I do have hard time on fixing these sort of things without making it sound weird.


There's a note at 1:05, and yeah, there's this messy clump around 1:45-1:50ish along with some other minor issues. I could give it my focus some time and record each instance when I have time if you want.


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Currently trying fix it 1 step at a time. My head hurts. Hopefully I can get through this.


Good luck friend. Is there no auto-function for tempo?



There's an option to make the metronome keeps audible while playing along the song. Even with that feature available, it still pretty hard to do the fixing.


Ah, I've always been part of the rhythm section, so keeping/following time is generally natural for me. Again, if you want help just let me know.



>just finish fixing the vocal part

>go to piano part expect for a quick fix.
>Just realized how overwhelmingly distorted it turns out now on the piano part

I didn't expect this to happen



I let you know If I seriously need help on the fixing. I'm starting to get a grip on doing this.



What to do now?

I really wish I could edit the first 40 second into something better instantly.


Try playing with the melody of the first 40 seconds; simplifying it and altering it till you find what you like best.



I've been humming myself like a retard just to get an idea how to do this. It hurts.

The thing is that I want to have a part where the music plays nothing but power chords before jumps into vocal. It might sound more fun this way I think.


It really does drive one crazy.

> a part where the music plays nothing but power chords before jumps into vocal

It does sound fun, and would sound great if it were executed well. It greatly depends on the mood of the piece up to, and after this point.


like it. it made with much love i think.


Gah.. Out of frustration, I end up composed a new stupid song instead. It took me 2 days do compose this.


it's really hard to make a really good song, I can't think of any better idea at the moment.

Anyway, if anyone wanna throw out a lyric on this stupidmiku song, you are free to contribute.



Btw, I didn't even check on plagiarism for this song.. it does sound like every OST ever.



thx for liking my music. I appreciate it very much.


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I love to take walks while listening to music, so I can just empty my mind. I've been studying simple math to prepare for school when I'm ready for it. I have a guitar that I don't play often enough, although I need to. And I love video games, although I haven't played them lately. Anything having to do with art, like music or drawing, I have trouble with. Playing my guitar is great, but it's so defeating when you can't get a rhythm down without having to listen to it.

I have done some sketches here and there, though they are something of the caliber an 11 year old would draw. I love to read too, and when I do get into a book I get completely absorbed and lose myself in them. My favorites are probably Welcome To The N.H.K., The Hobbit, or some of the Chronicles Of Narnia books.

I also have learned kana, although I'm a bit rusty. I need to shape back up on that, and continue into grammar and kanji. I have the resources, but willpower to do it is fleeting. I'll get back at it though. I can do it.


I also like taking walks while listening to music. not so much because it makes it easier to empty my mind, it just makes me calmer about being out and about and it helps me to listen to albums I haven't yet listened to by people I like without having to simply sit around or try to do other things while listening that actually take a large degree of attention beyond simply wandering about and missing lyrics.

I like reading too, though lately I've been starting a lot of stuff without finishing it. It's annoyingly rare that I actually find something that grips me enough I want to finish it badly enough to do so soon, before I find something else.

I also like games but I'm a poor prole that can barely afford any and doesn't have a good computer for playing new stuff anyway, even if I get past all the trouble of downloading it and applying a crack and blahblahblah.

I spend a lot of my time in an apartment complex that has a little den with a few weightlifting and exercise machines it calls a gym, and lately I've been going and lifting a fair amount, and that makes me feel slightly better about myself. Surprisingly it's not that difficult to get into with a little effort.

I write, but not often enough and I seem perpetually unable to start fiction and stick to it, to the point I try and bug others to start their own so I can collaborate rather than try to rehash the mundane stuff I've already done or come to grips with the seeming impossibility of starting something really new and exciting that I'm sure I'd screw up.

I was learning piano awhile back but I kind of abandoned that because I was depressed and sleeping all day and that doesn't mix with piano lessons so well.


ham radio


I was into ham radio for a while. I still have a General Class license and all of my gear.


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You might enjoy playing around with Mixcraft; it is very simple, and you can play a wide range of digital synthesizers on your own computer keyboard.

You can record things easily, move notes around, and so on.

As for the thread, I have been making electronica for 16 years, but have really sunk my time into it for the last 8 or so.

I hope everyone finds themselves stuck deep into their hobbies this weekend, and wish you all the best dreams when you get around to sleeping.

Here is one of my favorites; I don't have a *direct* direct download link, but this is it:

Monument - http://tindeck.com/listen/unzx



Not that guy but, would it blew up my internal sound card if i try to make a music like this? it sounds it has numbers of VSTi and VST effect embaded.

I only have this notebook with me btw ;_;. The only best I can do with this pc is messing around with my soundfonts.


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you can learn puredata/mamdsp and do music/noise on it. I always liked to create musick but never liked to finish it. PureData is perfect for this, you make program, click button, static/samples/sounds start playing. no ideas, no changes, no development. Does anybody else likes non developing loops?


Cleaning. For real. It keeps me occupied, makes my day structured and purposeful, reduces my anxiety a bit, and existing in a tidy environment makes me feel a little better. Also, when I'm done, I feel like I've done something useful, even if it's a couple small things.


I want to listen some of your music/noise. Which is the easiest way? Downloaded PD, but have no modules so mp3 would work better I think.


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In PD i mostly do big unmoving walls recently I am trying to move it a bit like changing every aspect by a very small amount ( <-0.5; 0.5> ) for every <5; 20> seconds.
Here's some of "my" noise with this patch.
Painfully and generic as fuck, cut up noise start(IMO if results are pseudo random, then it's no better then on nondeveloping loop)

Recording one hour drumming session and then resampling it into small bursts of noise(let's say 15 seconds) is fun too.(Sissy Spacek s/t is THE SHIT) Especially banging the drums and stuff, making something interesting out of it is a bit harder, and very hard in PD i think.

If you want to start with PD properly i recommend you
but I mostly download bunch of patches and try to figure out how they work


I also enjoy cleaning. Feels good to know that I'm doing something productive, although a lot of the time it's simply a distraction. It makes me feel anxious because I should be doing something "more important" (during times when I have more pressing matters).


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Just happened to discover how to use LMMS properly.


What pleasant day to celebrate birthday with this achievement. I was surprise of its bundle collection fx plugin came out together with the software, and they are pretty good too.


Hey, when you guys make music, how do you prevent getting a headache/annoyed/off-put by hearing the same thing over and over again? For example, you might be playing with a sample or a particular beat. Hearing that stuff over and over again kind of fucks with me.



If that happens, it means that its time to take a break from doing it. I must admit that the level of OCD of doing this kind of work is really intense. It is something that you keeps listening to your sample repetitively and edit it until it sounds right. This repetition is the cause of what we all know, a fatigue.


try to forget about that loop. Do something else, start making new track and go back to it after a week or two.


I don't know about others, but for me it's the OCD. I also edit videos, so if something sounds/looks wrong it disturbs me, and I will re-listen/re-watch the same couple of seconds indefinitely until I'm satisfied, otherwise it will itch at the back of my mind to fix it. I guess that doesn't fully answer your question though, I don't really get a headache/annoyed by this, I just feel like I -need- to do it, and won't look away untill I do.


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I do a little bit of everything but I mostly knit, cook, read, and go slinging from time to time

First paragraph describes how I feel perfectly


if anybody wants to I remade that weird Sleazy's "sampler" in PD. Sounds like this

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