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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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anyone else suffering from brain atrophy due to lack of stimulation? being a shut-in really fucks you up.


I'd say it has made me more intelligent actually. So much free time to be filled that I end up just learning shit by accident.

I am pretty sure I'm socially retarded now though. It's been years since I've had a proper friend. If I was approached now I don't know what I'd do.


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Honestly, I probably receive more stimulation now than I did in school before I dropped out of college and became a NEET. Especially socially, I've made way better friends online that I've ever had irl and I think it's helped a lot. The last few times that I've had to go to something and meet up with people that I don't know it's actually been a pleasant experience, my social skills have dramatically improved since I stopped being surrounded by irl people against my will.

But as far as academic skills… I can't say many pleasant things… Although those are really real skills anyways.


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I think it largely depends on what you do with your free time–though I will say that it causes your social skills to atrophy quite a bit. If anything, being a shut-in has given me more time to devote to intellectually stimulating activities. I don't feel like I've become any stupider than I was to begin with.

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