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/n/ - NEET

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i don't want to be a neet.

i actively try to get a job and better myself and see my friends but i have so few and i haven't gotten a job in 2 years applications worth. but nope. here i am. smoking dope everyday and fucking posting here. ugh.


Try applying to seasonal jobs. Most of their workforce is made of students who will only work for one season so it'll be easy to get full time


Any hints on how to win at the interview process so that you actually get hired?


quit smoking dope.
it's incredibly obvious to everyone when you're stoned or even if you smoke regularly and then dont for a few days. you're still out of it days later. employers dont want drugos. but if you really must, try going for a ADD/ADHD diagnosis so they'll give you ritalin/dexies so at least you'll seem awake. helps with the social anxiety and can answer questions in the proper response time.



I have to agree. Try to quit that stuff.

Keep your head up. Good luck!


Same here. Being NEET is the worst. I'm 24 and never had a job. Don't know what to do to get one and the older I get the less attractive I am to an employer. I have no education or anything. I can't even study now because I failed uni hard so can't get a student loan.

I hate the thought of meeting an old classmate or friend and have to talk about our occupations.

I can't even join the military because I'm so worthless.


Why don't you become a guild master again? That seemed to make you happy.



There is no automatic win for interviews, but there are some things to do that bolster your chances. A few of these are obvious, some of these people don't really think about I've come to learn.

- Are you clean shaven? Is it relevant to the job you're applying for (e.g office job - clean shaven, construction work - acceptable but kempt)?
- Have you showered? Checked your nails for dirt? Brushed your teeth? Used deodorant? Appearance is extremely important. Groom yourself.
- As a follow on for the first point, does the clothing you're going to wear to the interview match the job? Generally any retail job involves smart-casual, office job smart, bartending casual and so forth. (If you're hoping to walk in and get a trial shift then and there, wear very neutral coloured clothes and closed shoes.)
- Do you have your resume, CV (cover letter) and any other required documents with you? Put them in a clean physical folder or portfolio and bring them.
- Do you know anything about the company you're working for? Though you don't need to bring it up personally, there might be questions regarding their company and how well acquainted you are from their end. Pretend to be interested.
- Have you worked out transport? From there you can make sure to be at least ten minutes early, preferably not longer than fifteen.
- Do you smoke? Don't do that an hour before the interview, at all if possible.

Make eye contact. Speak loudly enough that they'll never ask you to repeat yourself. Do not fidget. Keep your body language as open as possible without looking sloppy (Don't cross your arms if/when you sit down, keep your back and neck straight).

I think that about covers interview preparedness.

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