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I spend over 23 hours per day in my room doing nothing but reading the economic, moral, financial, and military collapse of the United States. I firmly believe that the United States will break up into pieces into at least 3 or 4 countries. I just don't know what to do. Its all about every man woman and child for themselves. Its all about shifting the burden. Shifting the cost of existing to someone else. I hate this shifting the burden to survive bulkshit. I'm 26. No degree 82 credits. No money. No nothing. What am I supposed to do? Work some piece of shit minimum wage job so some multi millionaire/billionaire can make even more billions and millions all while shifting the burden onto my back? Fuck that garbage. I hate this fucking world bullshit competition popularity contest hr bullshit every man for himself garbage. No one cares. Everyone dies. Nothing will be done by anyone one. So lets all get bullshit min wage jobs that don't even pay enough to fucking live while some rich person that doesn't even know you gets richer. I hate capitalism communism and socialism. Why? Because they all end the same exact way. A few rich psychopath control freaks controlling everything with all the money and guns and everyone else fucking off until they die. Fuck this world. I hate it. I ddon't know what to do or what I'm doing. I don't know. I dont know I dont know


Become a gentleman thief.


Go to the mountains and be a hermit.


Become a super villain, take your revenge on the world, while simultaneously being a non-contributing member of society.


Get a job and be useful for society


>OP hates society
>get a job and support it


Don't worry I'll be a rich empath controlling the world within a few decades
You probably don't even know who your mad at
stand up


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Somebody apparently doesn't seem to understand sarcasm.


I'm sorry cute lil nyarlathotep.


I hate the system of this world too, but we can't do anything and this is the cruel reality. Money and power are still in the hands of those assholes.


I feel pretty much the same way to a lesser degree.

To some extent I actually look forward to the splintering of my nation into smaller countries though. The US government is especially unrepresentative and corrupt but to be honest I think that any small group of politicians given leadership over a large country (or group of any size that much greater than them) will barely be able to represent the collective opinions and desires of those people even if they are trying, and will have less incentive to even want to try. I think if the country fell into a state of disarray and the states or small alliances of states were able to establish their own government separate from the federal one (basically a return but in modern times to the point at which the states were essentially nations unto themselves) some of them might actually result in democratic governments. Of course one of the main problems with our society that plays into the hands of the leadership as it stands seems to be one of the main problems of democracy: that everybody either doesn't give a fuck or is too ignorant to, but I think that the extent to which that's true would lessen if civil unrest and the potential for legitimate change is within sight. (Even better, I doubt that change would get hijacked by SJWs like OWS was.)

Of course I'm just trying to consider a bright side here that will probably never get seen in places besides my imagination, and in all likelihood this place will continue to decline and the wonderful ethos it was founded upon will be forgotten for a long, long time, and become increasingly a corporate state that's somehow actually worse than the ones that are already fine with suppressing certain kinds of speech on a judicial level. But fuck imagining that.

Yay, time for more happy imaginings again. How are you going to manage that? How will you manage people?


Whats with all the crappy responses, like you guys dont feel that way, i would find this hard to believe.
I know where you at, its dreadful.
Its utterly fucked up, no just in the USA but the rest of the world too.
Its easy getting overwhelmed by all the negative things in this world and i would not say that fright is unwarranted.
However as our world had become more and more unoverviewable, so had the opertunities risen for the individual.
As fucked up as things are we have so many means at our disposal to make this a better place.
We have all sorts of knowledge and technology at our disposal, its both a curse and a blessing.
Its up to us how we use things.


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You're thinking too broadly. You're not going to burn down the forest if you can't bring yourself to see a tree.


Hit the float tank and learn more about yourself. I've worked shitty jobs as well, I mainly did it for experience.

I even quit my job recently because it was a bunch of bull shit. Money is useless I agree with you there. Instead of complaining and bickering on how shitty everything is, I turned inward to learn about myself.

Once you truly know yourself, then you can create your life. That's the path I'm on right now learning more about myself it's all that matters.


>I even quit my job recently because it was a bunch of bull shit. Money is useless I agree with you there. Instead of complaining and bickering on how shitty everything is, I turned inward to learn about myself.

How are you getting on without a job? Have you found another source of income, are you living modestly?



I look on craigslist for side jobs, house sitting, pet walking, help moving, yard work etc.

I'm quite the minimalist, so I don't have much. I don't go out to eat as well, I cook most of my stuff which is pretty easy.

Eventually once I know myself then I'll start doing what I want to do.


The day I figured out the world was screwed, I decided to become the man who would profit from it.

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