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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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hi /n/. so I turned 18 a week ago. currently at community college trying to earn high school credits. I'll be here for awhile but when the time comes and I graduate I'll have no idea where to go from there.

>missed a whole year of school

>neet the entire time
>tried to go back to school
>wasn't working so I dropped out again, now I'm here in cc.

I don't want to work. I don't want to find a career. I don't want to move into a house, get married, and have to worry about a mortgage. All of this requires responsibility and effort and I seriously lack in all feilds. I just want to live in a small apartment w/internet by myself for the rest of my life. So I'm here, because I can't find one thing telling me how I can do this. I'm not looking for a fancy apartment and have money to blow on useless shit. I just want to be able to pay rent, internet, and small amounts of food. I need advice.


1. go to therapy to get over what is preventing you from working
2. apply for neetbux (welfare/disability)
3. beg a family member or friend
4. become a prostitute
5. create something the world will love and buy


Number 2 above is probably your most viable option if you don't ever want to work. Welfare is temporary, SSI disability lasts forever and can be granted for mental "disabilities" such as Aspergers, anything that prevents your involvement in the work force and/or society. (In the United States)


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You just need to stop being a lazy butt, NEET life has a limit, that limit is called reality.

Everyone gets to the point in their lives where they have to put effort to get something.

It's simple, everything has a cost, you want to recieve everything, and give nothing, that's all.

About >>12335 I'd suggest 1., 3 to extend your agony from reality or 5 if you are confident enough


Can you fuck off from the NEET board. Also, he's only 18.


lel y u mad?
has some insecurity of yours been provoked?


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What? It is true, you can live as a NEET, until you cant.
Living for free forever is not real.
At least for most human beings, it is a fact.


Go to the mountains and be a hermit.

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