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I recently started smoking since it helped calming down my social anxiety,but now it barely helps,does it happens to anybody else? I need some advice on what to do


First and foremost stop smoking.


Some thing you say huh, i just started myself recently too trough accident.

How recently was that tough and how much did it help you?

Tough i cant say i have used them in the same way nor observed such an effect.


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I don't smoke and I don't do social things anymore so I'm not really in a position to give advice, but,

Do you smoke only when you need to relax, or when you are relaxed, or do you do it at other times? You might be polluting the association of "smoking time = calm time" in your mind by smoking at different times and under different moods.
You might also be associating smoking with un-calm by only smoking when you're really stressed, in which case it would probably help to stop doing that so much, and smoke a bit more when you are feeling very good, and focusing on the connection of the cigarette and the good feeling. Basically, rebuild and repair the association.

Smoking might also have been a past distraction that isn't working so well now. My major problem with social anxiety (or all my anxiety, really, damn it) is that I overthink everything TO THE MAX, so when I have a distraction, I focus only on what's necessary and put a better amount of thought towards socializing.
By which I mean, smoking and anything related to it might be so automatic to you by now, that they are not providing a helpful thought block anymore. Maybe find another distraction if this is the problem.


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Believe me i have tried
Hmmm a few months,3 maybe…
Yes i tend to over think things too so maybe it was just a distraction and when it became a habit it stopped distracting me


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You're probably just starting to build a tolerance man. I would recommend quitting now rather than later. Or get an e-cig, but I don't know much about those so I can't help you there.

I have anxiety but I never understood how smoking calms people down. In fact, if I haven't smoked in a couple days and then I do, the nicotine actually makes me feel really uneasy. The only time I've found smoking is useful for that sort of thing, for me, is when I'm talking to someone. It gives me something to do with my hands (does anybody else randomly become hyper-aware of their hands when talking to someone? Like what the fuck are you supposed to do with them?!).


> I have anxiety but I never understood how smoking calms people down. In fact, if I haven't smoked in a couple days and then I do, the nicotine actually makes me feel really uneasy. The only time I've found smoking is useful for that sort of thing, for me, is when I'm talking to someone. It gives me something to do with my hands (does anybody else randomly become hyper-aware of their hands when talking to someone? Like what the fuck are you supposed to do with them?!).
Totally, you can always play with your cellphone if you dont have a cig, check messages or just fuck around.
Not only that but also you have something to do at all which seems to be more or less common rather than having akward silence is another factor.

I found it to be calming actually, but it can excite me a bit aswell.
Perhaps it can have different affect on different people.

Well you guys probably know but smoking cigs against anxiety is a bad idea, you should find yourself some other drugs for that.


I honestly hate it when people play with their phones in the middle of a conversation. I never stopped to think, though, that they might just be hyper-aware of their hands and/or feeling nervous instead of trying to ignore me (though when it comes down to it that is what they are doing in a way).

I third that one. Its literally one of the biggest contributing factors of why I smoke. Its a conversation piece and also a reason to step out when at a rave or in a club and chat with someone.

I think this is the real correct answer here.


Nicotine is an addictive stimulant. I've smoked for ten years and admit that the repetitive ritual of lighting up is comforting, but there's nothing innately anxiolytic about tobacco products. If you're looking for a casual social lubricant, I'd recommend weed or light drinking. If you're in an academic or career setting, you can try to squeeze some beta-blockers or benzodiazepines out of a doctor.

I'd recommend switching to an e-cig as quickly as possible. Cigarettes are very, very expensive in the long-term.


its just like any drug, its shit and good for nothing

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