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/n/ - NEET

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>parents tell you they are proud
>finally starts a life long dream of becoming freelance illustrator because I hate a narrow-sighted boss and employees who boss you around, also dislikes small talks
>get complains from family to get a stable job because my career is no project=no money.
>still persist of chosen career but with pressure.

How do you cope with these kind of situations?


I just don't talk to my family


Idk, make them feel like hypocrites for the way they support you but not really.

I moved out of my father's house to avoid that situation.


Parents are just children raising children. Sometimes they do know what's best for you, sometimes they really don't. If they're giving you bullshit, fuck 'em. Just tune them out until they come around.

Or you can talk about it if they're mature enough to understand. I find discussing a problem helps more often than not.


>If [your parents are] giving you bullshit, fuck 'em. Just tune them out until they come around.

I wish this were an option. At the moment, I am being forced to have a minimum wage job at a fast food place about an hour's commute from home, which sometimes costs me money to go to (I have to pay for my own gas and my shift isn't always long enough to cover the gas price). My parents think this job is for "socialization," which amounts to having someone constantly upset with you for whatever reason they can possibly find. I have to have this job without getting fired or my parents will have law enforcement remove me from the house with nothing, which has already happened before for a month.

I am looking at a cheap apartment (~$300/month including all utilities, not in the slums) to get out of this house (I'm very grateful for the existence of extremely cheap apartments in the bible belt) but I need to pay for the rent somehow, so I need some way of getting money. How can I convince a cool internet company like leapforce/lionbridge to hire me if I have no degree?


Man, that sucks. I was in fast food service for a little over a year, it's hell.

If you want software development companies to look your way, make a github and start cranking out projects and publishing them. The company I'm interviewing with right now actually found ME through my github, I'd never even heard of them.

A wise company values experience over a degree. Just make a portfolio of software projects, couple it with a resume, and send it to fucking everyone. If your code is competent someone will call you back.

As for cheap housing, sometimes the best thing you can do is go live with a friend and pay a portion of their costs instead of the whole thing. I live with four other people I met through Uboachan.



> I have to have this job without getting fired or my parents will have law enforcement remove me from the house with nothing, which has already happened before for a month.

I don't understand why this is so common a thing. what is the lesson supposed to be? is this what family values is?

hey offspring, you didn't move heaven and earth on my command, so go beg for your bread or die in the gutter. good job in college though, we're so proud


unrelated & not that anon, but pls post your Github


Mom is no good, seems she closed her ears too soon. Father on the other hand, keeps his cool even though he knows I'm a neet now. He's basically the one my hope is clinging to most of the times. lol

> I have to have this job without getting fired or my parents will have law enforcement remove me from the house with nothing, which has already happened before for a month.

I don't see the point of this logic, that's bollocks. Also, have you attempted freelancing? All you need is your skill and a debit card that supports Paypal.


whoops, I meant to point that reply towards >>11939


I've looked at online jobs through this link:

but I don't know…

Is it possible to get hired with a resume of 4 college credits and fast food work?
Would it be better to do freelance work instead of the jobs listed there?
Will I make enough money to pay my rent?


>I don't see the point of this logic, that's bollocks.

Not all parents love their children unconditionally.


That's true, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions here. Parents aren't wizards. They don't always have informed opinions, and they don't always know what to do. My parents made wrong decisions raising me sometimes, but it wasn't their intention.


Ok why did you go to college in the firstplace if you now freelance?
I just dont see what the point of a degree is if you dont intend to use it.

Stick to what you like doing, its more important than what others push you into.
Honestly if your parents threaten to kick you out with the police you should move out of there asap and tell em to go to hell.
I can understand some parents not willing to pay for their children when they are grown up, even throwing them out if there is too little space to live, but calling the cops on their own child is a total dick move and you should get the hell out of there and tell them they dont deserve you.
What you say they would and did do is just inacceptable.
If they dont want to treat you as their child you shouldnt have to accept these people as parents.




11938 and 11957 here. I'm not the OP; sorry if I caused any confusion.


It's ok to feel afraid but don't give up on what you like doing. Some parents have a big problem in that they are hyper possessive with their children. The worst thing you can do is allow them to make you feel guilty for being who you are.

I feel that even though [most] parents provide physical sustenance for their kids until adulthood, it is all for naught when they stifle them in everything else. It's ok to go your seperate ways with them. You don't have to feel like you owe something.


Them pressuring you from the start isn't going to improve anything for anyone op. But the reality is, if your freelancing isn't bringing in significant money, it isn't a career.


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>Them pressuring you from the start isn't going to improve anything for anyone op.
>But the reality is, if your freelancing isn't bringing in significant money, it isn't a career.
Lolwut, it's like you are taking opposite sides from sentence to sentence.

That aside, why do I feel so pained when I hear things like "the reality is" or "career"?


It's not opposite. Forceful pressure isn't a good way to interact with people. It will just create stress and won't change anything.

But an activity that brings in no money isn't a career. There are exceptions-if you are building a startup, say- but if your aiming to freelance but can find no free lance work, what you have is not a career.

It might become a career-although freelancing is very competitive-but until a lot more work comes in you don't even have very much to do. Economically, it makes sense to suggest getting a part time job while trying to build freelancing for a while then reviewing in 6 months-a year if it's actually going to happen.

Now, I fully accept there are other reasons why op may not feel able to get a job, and those reasons might well be valid, but then it doesn't really have anything to do with hoping to freelance.

Indeed it is painful, both the things people have to do and the reality that dreams often just don't work. But I've come to learn the pain from ignoring that is even greater down the line.

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