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/n/ - NEET

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Do any of you live in squalor like myself? I realize that living like this is disgusting, horrible, and repulsive. I wish I could fix this, but I just can't…

pic somewhat related, kind of like my room but more boxes and shit instead of clothes and random stuff

>a state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect.


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I'd love to live like that, but with computer parts and books instead of random crap and clothes.
At this rate I'll end probably like that anyway.


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>Do any of you live in squalor like myself?
No, I don't really have enough stuff to create a squalor. I couldn't cover my floor like that if I tried.

>I wish I could fix this, but I just can't…

How did it get like that to begin with? Why didn't you do something about it before it became an overwhelming task to clean up?

If you're serious about wanting to get out of that situation, the only advice I can give is to start with your trash (and don't try to do it all in one day, either). Some of the nastiest rooms I've seen are actually mostly just trash. Just clearing that out, it will start to look a lot better. And while you're at it, you can even throw out some stuff you don't really need.


>I'd love to live like that
I feel like we'd both enjoy posessing those things, but without stubbing your toe on the edge of a motherboard! =)

Then again, maybe you really would enjoy the chaos more

Heh, I don't have that much stuff either. I guess it's mostly junk from my past. I've been living in the same room all my life.

As far as getting like this, I'd have to say a combination of laziness, procrastination, and being a "somewhat" messy person to begin with (I wasn't always this bad; I actually find joy out of cleanliness and order).

You're right though… Taking it a step at a time will probably be the only way I can sift through this madness. Like I'm sure many of us can relate, I have a hard time just doing it.

I feel immensely bad for my family, whom I live with, as they live knowing that there is a dumpster down the hall. Furthermore, they have made comments about being there being a stench from my room and I don't even smell it (which is concerning, obviously). I want to do it for both myself and them, but it feels like a mountain that I just can't quite climb over.

I feel like I'm regurgitating the same stuff over and over again, but I digress.

Thanks for your advice, though.




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>I feel like we'd both enjoy posessing those things, but without stubbing your toe on the edge of a motherboard! =)

Already happened, it hurt as fuck; I also stepped over the pins. But still I would love to live like that.

>Then again, maybe you really would enjoy the chaos more

There's nothing better than waking up in the morning and feel the dust from your electronic crap in your nose while you barely have space to walk between your books to reach your computer.

Yeah, the best is to start slowly cleaning whatever is easier for you (say, picking up all the clothes, tidying them, and later going for the boxes, and so). It would also be good to oxygenate the ambient, so if you have any windows there and if it's not really cold outside, letting some fresh air in would also probably make the "stagnant" ambient easier to endure.
Good luck.


I prefer that everything remains really clean. My room is minimalist too; there is only a bed, desk, and computer.

The endless wire maze is fun to imagine and its depiction in Lain makes it seem really cozy too. If I was more into hardware, maybe I'd want that type of environment too, but, I feel like it would gather up a lot of dust and dead skin. It would just be really dirty after a while and if I wanted to clean, it would take a long time.

By the way, after I finish cleaning my room, I feel really good, like I can do anything, just for a bit. Cleaner's high, or something.


I don't really have enough belongings to make a mess with. I prefer clean rooms though.


My place is really cluttered, but still relatively tidy, except if you look closer.

Dust is in the corners and at stuff that isnt used, but otherwise suprisingly clean considereing i rarely clean this junkyard.

As one might expect its filled with electronic trash, including a server rack near my bed and miles of miles cables.
Crates with more electronics neat ht walls and a stash of computers of all kinds and webcams near my desk.

I have next to no idea what to do with all the stuff.
Too shitty to sell but too good to throw away.


I like it tidy. But i procrastinate very long to the point, i don't have enough room to walk. Then i just start and whenever i start, i can't really stop. I actually like this feel, the feel not to be able to stop. Sometimes i clean up till midnight. And then i start to fill it with garbage again. A vicious circle.

So 2 years ago i moved out from my parents place. Now they want to renovate the room i lived my whole childhood in. Whatever i wanted to keep, i had to take with me. It was very convenient not to care about all this stuff. But now i actually had to throw away a lot of this. But otherwise a lot of that stuff was garbage. I ended up throwing away a lot. Although It was sad, because to some objects i had a emotional obligation, i think i'm better off without this stuff.

Whenever i want to start the cleaning, i start with opening the window and let the computer play some music. Fresh air is always a good motivator for me. Surprisingly i often start at night with cleaning.


Clean but not tidy. I make a point of not leaving food containers / trash around and keeping the the room generally clean, but there's knee-to-waist-high stacks of stuff all over the place that you have to step around. Mostly RPG books and boxes of magic cards, but also some random other stuff like board games and other books. Some of the harder-to-reach corners are dusty, but still not actively dirty. I think my issue is mostly trying to keep all the stuff in my room so it doesn't get in anyone else's way while not having enough shelving in the room itself.


>I don't even smell it (which is concerning, obviously)
That's not a concern at all, it'd be weird if you didn't get used to the smell.


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Everything in the world looses its worth when you are depressed and lonely. There is no reason to care about banalities. I can't even get out of my bed atm. My apartment looks like shit and reflects my inner chaos.
I just don't see the point anymore and can't motivate myself to do anything. Why should I? In an apparently senseless world without any certainty what might await us in death, there is no good or bad, no moral, norm or right way. I am tired of being put off by chasing from one pleasant emotional feedback to another.
I just stopped moving and caring.


>There is no reason to care about banalities.
>Everything in the world looses its worth when you are depressed and lonely.
You say that now, but if someone came and stole your computer, you would probably care. Posting on Uboachan seems to be one of the very few outlets for your absurdly nihilistic thinking - maybe even the only one. Otherwise, your lack of motivation might prevent you from doing it.


Aw, don't worry. The world is not supposed to make sense. We make up our own meanings.

As for motivation, I find it helpful to go outside for a walk, and talk to people online about what exactly I'm currently doing in hopes they show some interest and maybe give me advice. I need constant reassurance that my work is useful. Without it, I'm content to just spend every day watching garbage on YouTube, browsing internet communities, or playing video games.

To answer the OP: I have very few possessions, so I can't make a huge mess even if I tried. I keep clean, but don't care much about things being in order.


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>talk to people online about what exactly I'm currently doing in hopes they show some interest and maybe give me advice. I need constant reassurance that my work is useful. Without it, I'm content to just spend every day watching garbage on YouTube, browsing internet communities, or playing video games.
Holy shit, you just described my life - at least as far as my creative endeavors are concerned.

I often tell people about what I'm doing just so that they can bug me about getting it done. That usually helps me stay (marginally) productive. The problem is, they kind of need to be actually excited about seeing the finished product in the first place; otherwise, they don't care enough to bug me about making it.


I'm not entirely sure we're on the same page here. I don't mean just telling people a general idea of what I work on, like modding a game for example. I mean sharing with them exactly what I'm doing at the very moment, so that they become part of my creative process and a cross-pollination of ideas may take place. Something like telling them about editing a particular script written in C and what I'd like to do with it, possibly showing them the code I work on.

It feels like attention whoring at times, but… well… they're interested in it and we all stand to learn something, so everyone wins, I suppose.


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I can live without a computer it is not a very central part of my life. But you are right of course it would stink if someone took the things I hold dear. I am not a completely lost cause by far. Actually I am quite well at the moment if I compare myself to me 1 1/2 years ago. Not being able to move and cleaning your room doesn't mean you are already fully depressed. It can be far far worse. I know that. I hit rock bottom once and it was just luck I am here today.
I write with pen and paper 99% of the time. Writing stories and analysing helps me not to do something stupid. I try to keep my status quo but I fear that it gets worse again.
It is a process, the dreaded "downward spiral" it ends with you not being able to feel anything anymore and it is pure agony. Being truly depressed is like being dead inside while your body is still alive. This imbalance is unbearable. That's why you try to balance your body & soul again to have peace. And we know it goes both ways.

>We make up our own meanings
That's right it is the curse of our human reasoning. Without meaning we get mad. But it is a bumpy road lead by will and emotions. I realized that this search for meaning might be a meaningful task in itself. I read hundreds of books just to read another hundred. Now I study philosophy & sociology. After finishing Heidegger's "Being and Time" I had no other choice. I am not a NEET anymore but it sure doesn't feel any different. I am entangled with society but this doesn't fix a thing. The always threatening depression comes and goes but it accrues from a "crisis of being". I can burry it under a layer of responsibilities and "living" but unless I reach a point of total mentally/spiritually fulfilment it'll always be just a coat. Something to distract the mind.

I am sorry if my answer to this thread was a little drastic. I guess early in the morning logic is not my biggest strength. I actually got out of my bed today:)

I want to talk to this first living being we seem to be descended from and ask it if it knows why it chose to live in such an asymmetric form…


>Without it, I'm content to just spend every day watching garbage on YouTube, browsing internet communities, or playing video games.

I've been thinking about what I wrote, and this might not be entirely true. That's what I usually do, but that doesn't mean I'm content doing that.

It's my learned habit, an automatic reaction: I go for instant gratification whenever possible. Just like animals, we can be trained by administering rewards - and I've spoiled myself by always giving myself rewards for nothing. That made me lazy and apathetic. I get very grumpy whenever I have to put effort into something and scared when I'm faced with doing something unfamiliar to me.

I've grown indifferent to the meager rewards I reap every day. It is true that moderation is key. It is said that the brain is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. And true to form, its only plan is to keep the reward center overstimulated for as long as the stimuli are available. The only sane alternative only makes me feel worse, but I have to take control and deprive myself to restore balance.

Sorry, but I'm not sure what to take from your reply. Is your purpose in life to gain knowledge? Or to achieve enlightenment and share it with others? You also mentioned suffering from intermittent depression. That sounds serious and I wish I could help you, but I can only hope things go well for you.

Sometimes I think that it is okay to be undefined and not have a purpose to one's existence. But then life harshly reminds me every time that my puny little mind cannot grasp the sheer number of nigh-limitless possibilities. There's just too many of them to consider! I think we need to limit ourselves a bit, just like our time in this world is limited. But by that I don't mean that we stop searching once we find the first meaning that sits well with us, but that we accept what we currently have as good enough for now.

Finding a good purpose to devote your life to is hard. I've read somewhere that one should keep searching until they find an idea so moving, so beautiful and rousing, that it makes them cry.

Personally, I've been searching for the meaning of my life for a long while, and the best answer I've got so far is: I want to grant myself and others as much freedom of expression as humanly possible. That means both being able to exist as whoever the hell you want, but also finding out who you really want to be in the first place… which is why I'm writing this post, I suppose.

In the broadest perspective imaginable, this purpose might be as insignificant as all others, but it changes nothing. It's good to have a set goal in life, no matter how abstract.


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Good news, /n/! OP here - I've successfully managed to fill roughly 5 or 6 garbage bags full of trash today. I probably have about 10 or 11 to go (not including stuff that isn't garbage) but this is the most progress I've ever made! I'm pretty confident in being able to wake up in a clean room every day if I don't stop now. I also took pics and might post progress from the beginning if I do get this place in acceptable shape.


pic somewhat unrelated


Congrats OP I'm proud of you!!! Cleaning your room after its been in disarray for a long time feels sooo good so keep up the good work!


gj! (lol) happy for you.

not enough junk here for this to happen at all, there is one drawer w/too much papers i could go through at some point else not too messy.


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I have never lived in dirty dish/dirty clothes/food/wrappers all over environment. Somehow I maintain my living space in little amounts daily enough to not allow that to happen. But I have lived in been messy and full rooms since forever. I probably prefer smaller rooms because of those small spaces that evolve from having so many physical belongings. My parents insisted on a clean room, and I hated that. But now that I have my own apartment I pay for, I just leave everything messy all the time. Occasionally clean/organise up my computer space though. Around my desk is a sort of toolkit within reach, like my 3DS, drawing pad, a book, etc.
Related: I hate bathing and washing clothes.

If I do end up cleaning, I do it for hours until I'm dead exhausted and tired and simply give up and fall asleep. Then within a day it's "messy" again. I just like to have things a certain way. My living environment is an organic extension of myself, and to arrange things in an unnatural manner feels so wrong. Keeping everything clean and organized is akin to drawing something in the sand at the beach, only to have it washed away in a few moments by the oscillation of waves. My space is my own organized confusion. A language and map of my stuff that only I understand. My brain network given physical form.

Earlier this year, I had an apartment which was FULL of stuff. I -hated- having that ball an chain, since a long time ago. I felt locked down and even the thought of beginning the process of trying to thin down / get rid of that stuff just made me give up. But I fnally enacted my own plan, and reduced my belongings to a few plastic tubs of important things and left them at my parents' house. The rest of the stuff I just threw away. I left that apartment with only a backpack, and now I'm in a different city. This room I'm renting for a while basically just has the stuff I brought with me, and cheap throwaway/temporary things like second hand clothes and the chair/desk it came with.

Two methods/ideas for you TC:
-Throw everything away
-Take everything out of the room. Every single thing. Then only return what you wish to keep.

>I ended up throwing away a lot. Although It was sad, because to some objects i had a emotional obligation, i think i'm better off without this stuff.

>Whenever i want to start the cleaning, i start with opening the window and let the computer play some music.

I play music when cleaning, too.

>the brain is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.
This is great.

Oh, good job! Keep at it, and it will have reached the equilibrium you dreamed of.


Normally my place is cluttered but not dirty. But I had a bit of an apathy surge last year (and into the first half of this one) in which I completely stopped putting the rubbish out. I left it in the kitchen in bags, then when that filled up I put it in the bathroom (it's a studio with one room and a bathroom).
Anyway, German cockroaches had always been itinerant visitors up until that point. They lived in neighboring flats and I would see one wandering through my place perhaps once every two months. At this point I should mention I left a pile of dishes on the sink for over a year, and the tap was leaking.
Anyway, the whole place was so filthy that I avoided the kitchen (and bathroom where possible). I stopped cooking rice and beans and started living off pizza as I couln't walk in the kitchen. So over time I guess the cockroaches moved in and started a full blown colony. That was what prompted me to finally clean the place.

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