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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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Why does it feel like everyone here is depressed? Not everyone on this board can have a depression disorder, can they? I'm not a neet because I feel like I can't do anything. I'm a neet because I don't want to do anything anymore. From here on it's just a simple machine life of making money off of your knowledge. I don't wanna do that, I want to learn more. Which is why I sit at home, learning things through not-so-personal social interaction.

I'm 26 and have never had a job in my life.


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I think the lifestyle that a lot of NEETs live can perpetuate depression. It's a vicious cycle:
>get depressed and lose motivation
>drop out of life, become NEET
>get more depressed and lose any motivation that might have been left
>lack of sunlight, exercise, healthy food, etc exacerbate these things
>this continues indefinitely
Not saying that this is the path that all NEETs are on, or even most of them, but I've witnessed several people fall into this trap, including myself.


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>Not everyone on this board can have a depression disorder, can they?
Well, it's certainly possible — just not likely. Keep in mind, it's not that everyone here is depressed, or even that everyone who becomes a NEET is depressed. In fact, if you ask me, depression is a spectrum, and it's only when a person becomes symptomatic enough that they are considered "clinically" depressed.

My point is, people seek out places where they can find others with whom they have something in common. Because there are some depressed people here, it will naturally attract other people who are depressed. They commiserate, and the feeling of hopelessness amplifies. Eventually it becomes an echo chamber; with enough people talking about the tough times they've been through or are currently going through, it becomes the dominant subject matter. Although not everyone is necessarily clinically depressed, most everyone has had something bad happen to them. So — when they're all concentrated in one place, sharing with each other the worst of experiences of their lives in order to relate to one another — it appears that everyone posting is abjectly depressed.

Also, like >>11778 said, the NEET life itself attracts the depressed and socially disinclined. And this board, while ostensibly not just about being NEET, will of course have quite a few NEET posters.


For me its a side effect.
On a concious level im satisfied how things are mostly and can look at my performance and say i did ok.

Its loneliness and jelousy that takes its toll on me.
What scares me is i lack basic the basic experiances that are taken for granted at my age required to interact on more than hi/bye level with in a social environment.

Sadly i seem to have the wants of normal people too, such as success, admiration and intimacy.
Even tough i know exactly how total bullshit it is and not worth it.
Whenever i hear, see or even think more about such stuff it makes my blood boil.

What really boils me up is i have a bit of an adventurer in me and im sort of trapped and dont know how to get out.
The only decent way seems to imply getting a job, but that would not only impede my goals, but also i likely wouldnt be able to hold one, assuming i mange to get one in the firstplace.


Humans need a couple simple things by nature:
-to feel accepted and validated
-to feel like their life and actions have meaning

If you look at it this way it's pretty easy to understand why so many NEETs are depressed.


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>i have a bit of an adventurer in me and im sort of trapped and dont know how to get out.

Well, without getting a job, you could go one of two ways: full-on Chris McCandless or lucid dreaming.

Just to give you an idea of which one is safer, Alexander Supertramp didn't make it.


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>Why does it feel like everyone here is depressed?

Because here being depressed 24/7 is considered cool.


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I feel pretty ok most of the time, but I'm in the minority. I think I just got used to being a NEET.


What's the controversy over that artist again?


People say he traces from CP, and there's subtle references to cp hidden in his work.


Nice dub-trips


Cabin fever.


Asociality is often mistaken for depression. Also, the stigma surrounding being NEET will often, understandably, grate on people.


how do you do it OP?


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name of the artist?


Its Rustle, dingus.


When I was smaller I thought that I was unlikable because I was too happy, and consequently, lame, so I started developing a mindset of a depressed anime-esque character and before I knew it I was right in the middle of it without needing to even pretend.

Though you know, I feel like those seeds were there when I was born. They were bound to sprout eventually. How I triggered their growth was just one of the ways it could have happened.

Something's not right with my soul, that's what I am trying to say.


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>Why does it feel like everyone here is depressed?
Because you're generally designed to average out the most prominent factors of whatever relevant to yourself and use that as a simple summary in order to conserve mental energy while processing the concept or when recalling the concept again later.
I dunno.

>answering the question in a way that wasn't intended

>i shag dog

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