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/mono/ - Monoko/Monoe


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Happy Valentine's Day, everybody.


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a little something, a little late.

sorry i didn't think about you.

Fetish Acquirer = Machinae, don't be confused

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Okay so I was watching an episode of House last night. Essentially what happened was that a girl who had been in a car crash when she was four had dissociative identity disorder since the crash. Her alternate identity is brought on by things that were in the crash, in the crash scene was shown there was an 8 ball and a strawberry hanging from the rear view mirror, when ever she sees either of those things her other identity comes out and her arms go numb, she can't use them and they hurt. Oh my gosh this girl is Monoko! Now I'm not going to throw out any bullshit theories but it seems to be a bit to much of a coincidence to me.

The part the makes this even wierder though is that when I watched it I knew my mind was making some kind of connection, I even was about to post something here last night saying "wow, that really reminded me of monoko."

Anyway, I don't know how many people here watch House but I thought I'd point that out.


What episode was it, may I ask?


Not sure, going by episode titles, I'd say its probably "Better Half".

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I didn't.


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