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h ubuu

Some of you might remember in the archives before Seisatsu came along, I posted an EP and a handful of midi tracks. I've since been slaving away on a full length, and it was originally going to feature a vocalist but she dropped out.

The LP is called City Lights and you can get it here http://pradius.bandcamp.com/album/city-lights there's no obligation to pay for it, but you can be that one cool guy if you want to be. Genre is Jazz/IDM/Hip Hop or whatever idk it's ambient and glitchy with influences.

I'm also thinking if anyone wants to add vocals to one of the tracks, or add a jazz solo I'll make an extra ep featured on those tracks with the feats.


Also the chat helped me out with the album art. xqks helped me fine the picture and SNDfug777 whatever his name is I call him Snivey edited it a bit for me so I could add text.

credit where credit is due etc

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