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File: 1326036316925.jpg (39.99 KB, 348x350, audrey-kawasaki-044-348x35….jpg)


You guys should check Antihoney out. http://antihoney.com/music.html
It reminds me of Yume Nikki, a little.
(pic unrelated)


what is the source of the photo? I like it

also, downloading.


>>164 here

i like it but i dont really like the vocals… not quite what i like in music.

if there was an instrumental version of these that'd be awesome though
kind of reminds me of scarling/jack off jill for the music style.

Thank you for sharing!


The artist is Audrey Kawasaki.
Thank you for listening!


Interesting sound, reminiscent of Chouchou and Mum. I'd recommend both of them to interested in parties.


This arictle keeps it real, no doubt.

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