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M-my hands are w-writing on their own~!

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I'll start,

Title: Memphis Megahertz and the Kansas City Fractal

What: Techno-Coffeetable/quote style book, follows 2 nostalgic computer systems through a Virtual American Empire.

Where: Amazon Sept. 7

PDF preview-download?: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FkK0NRe59EK2Chnw-lid6UToX3jweiKD/view?usp=sharing


File: 1535996077107.jpg (118.39 KB, 1255x1629, cover.jpg)


hope you're doing well, if it's really you. obviously it isn't. whenever I feel depressed I'll watch some old archives of your streams.


Best wishes, if it's really you. We're all gonna make it, bro.


It's not. I posted that because I felt bad for him at the time.

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