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Just curious, but does anyone know what's going on with lol? I follow him/her on twitter, and she's tweeted some… pretty confusing things, particularly the tweet below. I can't speak Japanese, and Google translate isn't really helping. Did he/she slit her wrist or something?

またやっちゃった…流血表現注意。 pic.twitter.com/PCpfchth


says something about "i also"?
is there a tweet right before this one?
google translate says " i also did a bloody note representation" or something like that
almost sounds likeits make up, or, seeing the paint in the background, its paint that they smeared on their wrist and shaded to look like blood.
though it looks really realistic. I hope it wasnt an intentional cutting.
the "bloody note representation" may also mean that they wrote a note in their own blood for some reason.


see also >>1959 for google translate's rubbish

idk yeah


i dunno. i have no problem constructing some sense out of a few of those tweets. i also have looked up the words indivudually and they all seem to match with the rough translation from google.
if there is mention of lol working on the game, maybe the "bloody note" is something for the game?


I speak Japanese and I thought I can help out with the confusion here… sorry if my English is bad.

lol_rust: I did it again… warning, bloody expression (photo)
lol_rust: Just so you know it's just an expression.
lol_rust@huusei_youi: hehe
under_elc: Is this painted… or is it real
lol_rust: Don't worry lol
under_elc: I.. I was so shocked
lol_rust: I have a mean face right now.
lol_rust: I might be going over the top but I don't mind because I feel good.

She dosen't say anything about the game so she probably just did it for fun.


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12h lol ‏@lol_rust

>12h lol @ lol_rust

There is no special meaning to the "whistle sound can not be heard." Just do not want to record.

wonders if someone was actually theorizing this over somewhere else
kinda funny

anyway does anybody else read lol's tweets at all because yeah


(S)he tweets some pretty interesting stuff every now and again. Here's something (s)he tweeted that I thought was really cute/cool:

@lol_rust: 窓付きが夢に出て来た…ッ
@lol_rust: Madotsuki came out of her dreams…

@lol_rust: 小さかったです。可愛かったです。
@lol_rust: She was small and cute.

@lol_rust: 名前を呼ぶことが出来たのが幸せです。
@lol_rust: I’m happy that we were able to call out her name.

@huuei_youzi: @lol_rust おお…羨ましいです 窓付きちゃんはまだ見てませんが、さびつきちゃんが怪物さんたちに追いかけられてるのは何度か夢にみました…
@huuei_youzi: Ohh… It’s enviable. Though Madotsuki-chan is yet unseen, Sabitsuki-chan saw the Kaibutsus chasing her so many times in her dreams…

@lol_rust: @huuei_youzi さびつきも羨ましいです…
@lol_rust: Sabitsuki is envious [of Madotsuki], as well…

(translation courtesy of Rai. Original post: http://homedepotp.tumblr.com/post/33483776681/lol-rust-lol-rust-madotsuki-came)


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…… well



I think s/he said that comes here occasionally searching for some gore things. Bah, I think, but I don't understand japanese; so I am as lost as you.


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i ran it thru googletrans before posting that and it was like:

>"Fade in like, you were told a little about the array of bloodshed expression was seen casually uboachan. Naa but In the photo paint restraint"

like yeah


(S)he's talking about how uboachan saw his/her bloody wrist photo. Y'know, the joke one?
If you don't know what I'm talking about, see >>1966


>@lol_rust: 窓付きが夢に出て来た…ッ
>@lol_rust: Madotsuki came out of her dreams…
Is s/he talking about Madotsuki coming out of Kikiyama's mind, or Madotsuki coming out of her dreams in the Yume Nikki ending?

>@lol_rust: 小さかったです。可愛かったです。

>@lol_rust: She was small and cute.
>@lol_rust: @huuei_youzi さびつきも羨ましいです…
>@lol_rust: Sabitsuki is envious [of Madotsuki], as well…
Sabitsuki confirmed for older than Madotsuki. Also confirmed she knows her…which kind of explains the Monoko effect

>@huuei_youzi: @lol_rust おお…羨ましいです 窓付きちゃんはまだ見てませんが、さびつきちゃんが怪物さんたちに追いかけられてるのは何度か夢にみました…

>@huuei_youzi: Ohh… It’s enviable. Though Madotsuki-chan is yet unseen, Sabitsuki-chan saw the Kaibutsus chasing her so many times in her dreams…
I really wonder what does this mean…
Sabitsuki saw Kaibutsus looking for Madotsuki in her own dreams?

Can Mado travel around dreams of everyone now?



Oh, thank you~!
Everyday, lol amazes me more and more. I never thought (s)he could have come here.

Also, I think that finally we can call lol as a man:

I see no tits there…


He kind of reminds me of smile

actually most of those are mistranslated… no offence to Rai


>Sabitsuki confirmed for older than Madotsuki. Also confirmed she knows her…which kind of explains the Monoko effect

Maybe Sabi has known Monoko? Think about metal-tan… Obviously, she's an inspiration made from monoko in .flow, but if we think about what lol has said (and if that translation is ok), it makes sense.

But, if most of those tweets are mistranslated, then I think it is not (though it was an interesting theory).


Yes, I really like that theory too
but here is the translation

lol_rust: 窓付きが夢に出て来た…ッ
lol_rust: I saw Madotsuki in my dream…

lol_rust: 小さかったです。可愛かったです。
lol_rust: She was small and cute.

lol_rust: 名前を呼ぶことが出来たのが幸せです。
lol_rust: I'm happy I was able to call her name.

huuei_youzi@lol_rust: おお…羨ましいです 窓付きちゃんはまだ見てませんが、さびつきちゃんが怪物さんたちに追いかけられてるのは何度か夢にみました…
huuei_youzi@lol_rust: Ohh… that's enviable. I haven't seen Madotsuki-chan yet, but I've seen Sabitsuki-chan being chased by the Kaibutsus in my dream a couple of times

lol_rust@huusei_youzi: さびつきも羨ましいです…
lol_rust@huusei_youzi: (seeing) Sabitsuki is enviable too…

lol_rust: 何気なくuboachan見てたら流血表現のアレについてちょっと言われてたみたいであせる。
lol_rsut: I was checking uboachan and I'm worried to see that they're talking a bit about that bloody expression.

lol_rust: 思いっきり絵の具写ってるのだがなぁ
lol_rust: You know, the paints are right there in the photo

He probably noticed this because he saw some of his Japanese tweets posted here, but from his other tweets he doen't seem to understand english much


What if lol secretly knows Kikiyama in person? Ask him!


What if lol secretly knows Kikiyama in person? Ask him!



DIY smartwad if you really wanna embarrass yourself like that


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All this drama about if lol knows english or not, WHEN IT WAS ON HIS FUCKING DA!


but almost everyone in Japan knows simple phrases like hello, please, or thank you. 39 is used as slang for "thank you" (san-kyuu) That doesn't mean fluency.



I think he was talking about how he says "I only understand japanese" on his sig


well I'm a derp.
I've sort of made it a habit to skip over signatures, but I don't know how I missed that.


It says "I did it again… caution for showing bloodshed"

So unfortunately that means that is their wrist and they've done it before, too.


Has anyone told lol he should go down the stream, not across it?


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It's a fake, you fucking retards.

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