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File: 1345155296723.png (60.67 KB, 278x357, sisterbig4.PNG)


What are the characters referred to as by the Japanese fanbase? I've heard that Smile is a name used by both English and Japanese fans but I've also heard 'Irezumi' and for him and his sister, they are sometimes referred to as 'Irezumi Kyoudai.'

I mainly was wondering if anyone knew the name given to Sister by Japanese fans or lol and if it was any different from the one the English fans gave her.


The better question is why people don`t call oreko "orange"

seriously, every .gif image with oreko on it has "orange" written in big font letters. Is this not on par with filename?


I don't know the specific reason for it, but Oreko is a better from a naming perspective ("ore" from "orenji"/orange and "ko" from child or girl, so she's basically being called "orange girl"). Plus we're all probably used to referring to her that way by now.


File: 1345409289999.png (4.14 KB, 288x256, イベン&#….png)

the only name the english fanbase has really "coined" that wasn't already made essentially canon via filename or ingame reference was naming the first kaibutsu some baseless english name

so to reiterate: there really aren't many characters to FAN-name

unfortunately i don't really know much about the japanese fanbase, but if the english fanbase is anything to go by, those with less FANDOM significance (pic sorta related) don't really seem to matter when it comes to naming.

FTR: Oreko is also her primary file's name, and has been since early releases. Fun fact while citing this, I noticed that the ghost's filename sticks her with "hana" although this could be in reference to the level she's found in. Pretty.

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