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/flow/ - .flow


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Hello Uboachan (/゚Д゚)/
While I was playing .flow 0.17 in Rust mode I entered the new area, the Sweet Sugar.
I found out something interesting.
I think it's a new Rust event. Or something like that.
So I recorded everything!
Here you are~
I think I'll do other .flow videos here. This is the same channel where I'll upload Forget me not: Palette gameplays.
I hope you all will like this, enjoy (^▽^)
Pic ultrarelated.


You should have spoilered the image, since that event isn't that widely known

Also you might want to change that video description. After all we knew about Sweet Sugar before 0.17 even came out http://uboachan.net/flow/res/1279.html


oh christ oh christ oh christ oh christ someone actUALLY FOUND SOMETHING (/゚Д゚\)


Hey, not sure if this is actually a thing or if my game is special, but anyone else have the game freeze by trying to open the door on the right in OP's pic as Rust?


eugh what did you use to record this?

was it camstudio? did you use default codecs? Please please tell me you didn't record this with default camstudio codecs


Yeah, that's just a little bug.
It'll probably be fixed in the next version(s).


Hey, thanks for the response. I normally wouldn't care but I lost an empty box because of it and wandering around in the endgame isn't very fast paced…


I viewed Rust's Sweet Sugar hotel. After looking at the mirror and then exit the restroom, the game freezes, that is, I can't control Rust and the OST still plays. I don't have the problem if I don't look into the mirror. Can someone help me?


Everyone is having this problem. As stated it will probably be patched in a later update

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