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/fg/ - Fangames


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I just finished Yume Nikki and found my way here. Should I just kill myself now? Because life can't really progress from here.

In other words, I found a wiki dedicated to fan games but I'd like so recommendations because I don't want this fever dream to end yet.


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You should kill yourself.



I thought so. I know it's all old news for everyone else, but fuck did that ending hit me hard. I'm not sure if another game can ever live up to that for me.


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Or you could play Yume 2kki and .flow, maybe Answered Prayers, and maybe Space Funeral, Off, Ib, Misao, Mad Father, The Witch's House, etc for similar style of games. There's a world of goodness out there.



In the little bit of searching I've done so far after finishing Yume Nikki I assume .flow and Yume 2kki are the best of the fan games? I see them mentioned the most.

Thanks for the other suggestions though, hadn't heard of any of those.


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The ending really is powerful. Its kinda like the true ending of Witch's House but that's just a stab-to-the-balls powerful. YN's ending still haunts my way of living presently.

Shit what am I even saying.


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Just a quick review of the 2 biggest fangame.

.flow has a more grimdark setting and is more straight forward than YN or 2kki.

2kki doesn't feel like you're roaming dreams but rather a different and bizarre world. Its also too damn huge and is still growing.



Alright, thanks. I'll probably play .flow first because 2kki looks like the type of game that will probably immobilize me for awhile.


For the amount of /fg/, there's really only a handful that are really worth playing.

I recommend, in no particular ranking:

Traditional /fg/:
Yume 2kki
Yume Nisshi

Space Funeral
Neftelia (1 and 2)
Toilet in Wonderland

These are all RPGMaker games.

Mishka Faulken is also a very nice game dev.



Thanks pretty much exactly what I was looking for. I'll probably still play some others to make my own opinion but it helps to have a basis of recommended ones when there is so many.


>Nazi Nisshi



oops sorry I forgot we're not supposed to talk about it

racist pig shitstorm etc.

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