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/fg/ - Fangames


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How does Yume Nikki on HL2's Source engine sound? I played around with the idea about 4 months ago and eventually dropped it.

This is still a beta version of the map, didn't fiddle too much with lighting or static_props.


Sounds really neat.


>How does Yume Nikki on HL2's Source engine sound?

Sounds bad enough. Seriously, look at all the "let's remake YN in 3D" attempts. All of them feel out of place, and (so far) all of them had been abandoned.

Don't attempt to remake YN. Make an original fangame using this engine. An original game that is designed to be 3D from the start.


This is stupid as fuck and a waste of time. While a 3D Yume Nikki could be cool, it'd be too much work and not really worth it. The original was fine enough.

If they had to remake something, why not OFF?


>YN 3D
Can work if done well.

>YN-themed GMod map with HL2 assets



I still remember this from back before, but I can't remember where I saw it.


I'd rather see "Yume 3Dkki" be completed, as far as all the existing 3D Yume Nikki remakes/attempts go.

Would it be possible for anyone to take over the programming for that since the original is pretty much dead?

>mite b cool



Standalone Sourcemod.
just use gmod for the map testing.


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You could make it in the GoldSrc (HL1) engine. Would kind of fit Yume Nikki's RPG Maker sprite and graphics.



It has nothing to do with the engine used. Source (or pretty much anything for that matter) can be rigged to deliver pixel art-like visuals.

I believe the prime reason a 3D YN remake can't take off is that it is pretty much impossible to remake a 2D game in 3D while retaining the feeling of the original. Something will always just feel off.

Let me give you an example. In case of YN (and its fangames), looping maps are frequently used. At least for me, no matter how much I tried, I could get it to feel right. Carefully crafted LOD with infinite rendering distance will have a paradoxical effect where the player would feel like they are not moving at all. Setting up distant fog to make things easier on the eyes will completely kill the atmosphere, especially in bright areas. Beyond rendering, there will also be design issues, such as chasers/NPCs, or the "loop N times only in one direction then arrive at a different area". And so on.

OP, if I were you, I would ditch the idea of making a full-on YN remake, and instead develop my own YN-inspired game that is meant to be 3D from the very start. You would have much more freedom, plus, as far as I remember, nobody made one before.


Exactly. In other words, it all boils down to game design. Yume Nikki simply wasn't designed with 3D in mind, it was designed for 2D.

Trying to 100% translate one medium to another will feel off, unless you alter the game significantly. But at that point, would it even be Yume Nikki anymore?

At the end of the day you'd get a more interesting fangame experience if you just made a 3D game from scratch.


A 3D YN doesn't necessarily have to have a first-person or over-the-shoulder perspective. It can have a similar perspective to the original.

But, let's say you wanted it to be first-person, and you didn't want infinite rendering or distance fog. You could have the map rendered with a slight-enough curve to it to solve both issues, and that's most likely not the only solution to that problem alone.

Yes, it's a weird solution unless you do it right, and no, I don't know if it's even doable in Source, but the point is that solutions to these kinds of problems will most likely be found eventually.

With that said, OP, if you're using Source, it might be best to make a fangame instead of just "YN but 3D".

Also, a 3D YN-inspired fangame has been done before. It's called "Hentekorin". Not much to it, as far as I'm aware, but it exists.


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>impossible to remake a 2D game in 3D
Nothing is impossible. Shit be jank, cramped and shoe horned into oblivion though and I expect it.
If such map ever comes out the only areas I can think of ""working"" would be Dense Woods. But expect it to be very linear and 60-80% of the original map be cut or squashed but damn… Acceptance is a path to enlightenment.


>have the map rendered with a slight-enough curve

If you refer to the dip of the horizon effect, it might not always be possible, depending of the technology used. I don't think Source's displacement map terrain system could handle this seamlessly, for one.

>solutions to these kinds of problems will most likely be found eventually

Most likely not without making major modifications to the engine, which, again, might not always be possible (with Source, up till now, only the client/game side code is available to modders without a licence). And even if one goes with an engine that is 100% open, one might not have the skills to do the abovementioned modifications.

>Shit be jank, cramped and shoe horned into oblivion though and I expect it.
>But expect it to be very linear and 60-80% of the original map be cut or squashed

There you go, it will not feel like YN anymore. It will feel like a really awkward experiment. So what's the point?


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Discussion about 2D vs 3D as good medium aside, why are you guys giving advice to OP about what to do or not to do?
Guy posted this 7 years ago.



Regardless of OP still being around or not, it's still a relevant topic. And the more people know about the pitfalls of such projects, the better.

Besides, this community is almost completely dead, why is it so much of a big deal to bump an old thread, especially when it stays on topic?


>it's still a relevant topic
Did you miss the part where I said
>Discussion about 2D vs 3D as good medium aside
or something?

I mean suggesting stuff to OP as if he was here

>OP, if I were you, I would ditch the idea of making a full-on YN remake, and instead develop my own YN-inspired game that is meant to be 3D from the very start. You would have much more freedom, plus, as far as I remember, nobody made one before.
>With that said, OP, if you're using Source, it might be best to make a fangame instead of just "YN but 3D".


Yeah, okay. OP is gone, I am a full on retard.

Are you satisfied now?


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I'm honestly not trying to shit you or anything, it just seemed really weird to be replying to ghosts from 2013. The conversation has been really cool so far, I disagree that it's not possible to make YN in 3D, but I agree it's not worth it and that if you want to do something on 3D it's better to make an original game.

First person exploration is nice if well executed, but it also requires a lot of work as you have to add details to the zones the player can explore (because otherwise, why would the player go there?). On the other hand, you have a lot of leeway with bid-eye perspective since you can focus more on atmosphere and map design rather than 1st person eye-candy stuff (which is also the closest you have to YN/RPGmaker games), but you lose the "first person" immersion experience and instead play as a character on the screen. That in on itself isn't bad, but I really loved LSD for making me feel like ->I<- was the one exploring.

VR sounds like a nice toy to experiment with this. Imagine an exploration game with nice sound and good maps, that'd be a fucking blast.



>replying to ghosts from 2013

We would never know if OP is still lurking around or not. I'm here since 2011-ish, and I had some of my ancient threads bumped. I didn't mind at all.

>First person exploration is nice if well executed

For sure it is nice! I love first-person games (of any genre) for the very reason you mentioned: the feeling of immersion. Actually, I've been developing my own first-person FG for a couple of years now (I just didn't announce anything yet, as I hate generating hype before I have something solid to show).

>requires a lot of work as you have to add details to the zones the player can explore

If you are familiar with 3D world design, I don't think it would be much work. For example:

-You don't have to worry about lighting and shading, your engine/lightmapper will do it for you, and it will always be perspective-correct, and never feel weird.

-You don't have to worry about animated stuff, if your engine supports skeletal animation, once you craft your base skeletons and animations, you can apply it to different characters/objects with little to no alterations. If your engine supports IK and animation blending, it's even less work to make them feel natural.

And so on. But again, depends on the individual.


>If you are familiar with 3D world design, I don't think it would be much work
Yeah, I'm not that familiar with world design of first-person perspective games, so maybe that's why I feel it's harder than the old bird-eye 2D-styled camera. I just feel that it's not as easy to pull a good atmosphere since you're a little limited on how the player perceives the whole world. But thinking back on LSD and similar games, I guess I'm just overthinking it, since you can manipulate the player to perceive the world the way you want through different means. Somebody has been bumping that game thread on /og/ again, maybe it's time to play them and learn a thing or two.

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