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Hey Guys, i've been having the strongest itch to explore through a particular world in Yume 2kki called: Red Black World. The reason why I want to see it is because I've read in the wiki that it uses the Kikai004 theme that plays in areas like in Guts World, Onyx Tile World, and Aojiru's room, and it is my favourite theme in the entire game, but for the life of me I cannot find the right version of the game that has it available in the Nexus. I am currently running in Version 0.104e, but I have played older versions of the game, but every version I have played, I haven't been able to access it. Does anyone here have a version available where I can access this place?
Please excuse the confusion, I don't know if this the right spot to post this, but I just need help. XD


I've honestly never heard of this place until now, but based on the fact that the wiki says the fairy effect used to be here before the areas removal, I'd guess it was removed quite a bit ago. It would be nice if the fan wiki was more detailed and kept record of major changes in development


>It would be nice if the fan wiki was more detailed and kept record of major changes in development
There's a fair chance the Japanese wiki may have more information about that.


It's in v0.066


If you need the version archive, here it is:
http://archive.uboachan.net/media/res/17.xhtml (Japanese)


If you don't feel like playing through it, here's another autist doing it instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrtvacEWTdE

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