We had a request for comments thread in /sugg/ for days about combining the topics of some boards, and nobody complained. So, 2kki and .flow are basically meant to have general threads in /fg/ now. If you wanna make a case to make /tkki/ its own board again, make a /sugg/ thread.
You can still see the old content of /tkki/ in the Annex, but it's locked to new posts now.
Sometimes users don't see our /sugg/ threads or don't reply to them. It's a little after the fact now, but if we've made a mistake by merging the topics of the two larger fangame boards into /fg/ then let us know why.
>>11315Sure. There'll be a news post soon for anyone who's still missing what happened. If users don't make general threads in /fg/ for .flow and 2kki within a couple days then the staff will do it.
I guess this chan is too kill for it to have it´s own board