Hi, I'm a newcomer here but have lurked a small, teensy while. We (my dev partner in crime and I) have a game in the works that I believe is far enough along that it'd be worth sharing here.
To be frank, this started out as a fangame but veers further and further from that initial vision. I believe it shares an artistic vision with fangames in that we want to make the player explore and keep playing to see more of the game's visuals, but otherwise it may be more akin to something like Space Funeral for example. There is a traditional RPG system and focus on gameplay with more defined goals and minigames, and we've tried our hardest to make it actually fun and another reason to want to keep playing. If it doesn't fit here, I understand and apologize.
Without saying much more, we try to give this game an identity with the hand-drawn aesthetic and more focus on humor without resorting to being offensive or tasteless. There is also a far more concrete plot, but it is absent from this demo- which you can grab here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/p8wkhmk0br4sq2j/Eulogy%20of%20an%20Insect.exe?dl=0There's more info like credits/to-do list in the included text files. Hopefully it's alright to post here and you guys enjoy it.