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/fg/ - Fangames


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U-um… hi guys…! I'm working with my best friend Jessie and our game is called Wakana Nikki! ^^; The plot is going to be very dark σ(oдolll) because the plot is about our protagnoist, Mimotsuki, who is possessed by the ghost of her best friend Madotsuki after her suicide. ╹⌓╹ so now she's compelled to go into her own dreams and discover who she really is with the guidance of her best friend Madotsuki. ( -_-)

Were still developing it since we started in Febrary or something I think.owo We have 24 effects planned and we have a lot implemented alteady. We have a lot of cool events! Um… we have somebody making music for us too. Some things you need to know before you play is that this has a lot of blood and gore and it's not for the faint of heart! (・o・;) Look at our dev blog here! Jessie manages it http://kurorosechan6.tumblr.com/

Thank you~! (⌒▽⌒)☆


ahhh sorry! the third one is a gif we made! please click on it to see it move!!! ((((;゜Д゜)))


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Things your game needs just for the screenshots:

Managing colors: They're really wanky and the saturation is too bleeding. Try to make the edges smoother and not using a palette with too such a bleeding hue.
It also makes your maps look too flat and unrealistic. For all of this I'm guessing this is your first try at pixels, right? I suggest learning a bit more about color composition and that stuff before the realese.

About the CG, basically the same; it lacks shadows and the sharpness makes it look bad. My suggestion is to play more older games and check what dithering is and how to use it, same with other effects and tools.

The plot… doesn't look good at all. I really can't make any constructive critic about it without telling you to change the whole idea. It seems way too… fanwanky and immature. I'm sure you and your team can come with something better if you think about it more carefully.
Don't worry about gore, this site is NSFW and some little pixel won't scare anyone.


there is no way this is not a satire


File: 1431227354197.jpg (15.01 KB, 249x249, image.jpg)

Sorry to disappoint, but this is for real.




the girls behind this are prob literal children


Either literal children or amazing and funny troll. Either way I wouldn't really give em too hard of a time.


ten bucks says this'll be better than someday


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Poe's Law hard at work.


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Wow! I didn’t mean to leave for so long. I didn’t expect all of you to comment! Sorry for not replying sooner >.<;
idk how to do the >> thing gomen ;w;

"Things your game needs just for the screenshots:

Managing colors: They're really wanky and the saturation is too bleeding. Try to make the edges smoother and not using a palette with too such a bleeding hue."

Well if they’re bleeding they’re kinda doing their job. Mimotsuki’s mind is supposed to be a very unpleasant place, so if the player feels uncomfortable looking at the game, then it’s ok. ⌒▽⌒

"It also makes your maps look too flat and unrealistic. For all of this I'm guessing this is your first try at pixels, right? I suggest learning a bit more about color composition and that stuff before the realize."

Yeah, but it’s a dream. There supposed to look unrealistic! OwO

"About the CG, basically the same; it lacks shadows and the sharpness makes it look bad. My suggestion is to play more older games and check what dithering is and how to use it, same with other effects and tools."

Ugh… I don’t want to draw the whole thing again… ;w; I don’t even know where I can play older games, do you know any good ones?

"The plot… doesn't look good at all. I really can't make any constructive critic about it without telling you to change the whole idea. It seems way too… fanwanky and immature. I'm sure you and your team can come with something better if you think about it more carefully.
Don't worry about gore, this site is NSFW and some little pixel won't scare anyone."

That’s not nice to say at all :C Well me & Jessie have worked very hard on the 0.00 release and Jessie put a lot of time into thinking up events & such to represent Mimo’s dream state. I don’t want to undo that at all
thank you for taking the time to reply! ^w^

"there is no way this is not a satire"
This is a real game! :C We're really doing our best, comments like this don't make us want to work as hard (˃︿๏)

"the girls behind this are prob literal children"
Jessie and I are both 14, so, uh, yeah @w@

"ten bucks says this'll be better than someday"
…what's someday? ^o^;

"Poe's Law hard at work."
Can you explain Poe's lwa? :o

btw, this is a preview of something we're workign on! what do you think? o(^▽^)o


get ready for the underage ban
hope you enjoyed your time here at ubuu



>implying all the mods haven't abandoned this vomitive shithole is quite some time ago

it's just us hikkis now


Come on guys, you know this is just a drawn-out, dedicated (but funny) troll.


Ooops, looks like someone screwed up and unraveled the gimmick.


You are not acknowledging criticism and improving it. You are making up excuses. You really need to listen to what people think.
Maybe nobody will talk about your game when it's released, but still, you'll feel nothing but regret the moment you publish this.
Really, you could do a lot to improve your game and avoid regretfulness, but you just won't listen to what people have to say. Right now you're basically saying "Oh it's MY style! You just don't understand!"
I really hope you bear this in mind.
Also, please stop it with the emoticons. It's kind of annoying. Please do NOT reveal anymore of yourselves. So far we know your gender, names, age, and even your grade. What's next? You're gonna reveal your state?


The mods left? Why? D:

You have to be a certain age to be here? But I thought this place was for Yume Niki fagames! ((´д`)) Where else can I post about this???

And I'm NOT a troll! The blog's run by Jessica, not me. >_<" She's able to play more games than me because she has her own computer and my dad doesnt like me downloading stuff without his permission to it >n< We;ve played .flow, me, tlg, and yume niki together at her house so far, and Jess sometimes plays more than me and then tells me about it. I guess she forgot to tell me about Someday :,c But Jessica and I haven't been able to make the game because of school… the end of the year is so hard! (゜´Д`゜)



Why is that you only appear here when shit starts, moreso, you also only reblog/share shit which sooner or later *magially* ends here for you to *magically* flame?

ADMIN NOTE: rule 8


>but ubuushons is bad!

ADMIN NOTE: rule 8


Nice ban evade skills bro, how was the meme raid against Ubuu? We all saw you and your [REMOVED] posting pics in tumblr.
Also your compassive comment is pretty ironic since you both flame other devs mercilessly.

ADMIN NOTE: rule 8



>The mods left? Why? D:

They all banned eachother when they learned the other mods were underage, though the last remaining mod realized that they were also underage, so they were forced to commit banicide, leaving Uboachan as a vomitive shithole, which we all should have abandoned quite some time ago.


I actually can't tell if this is an elaborate troll or not, so I'll leave it be. Keep the topic on the fan game or take it to /ot/.
In any case shirotenshi check out the list of rules at http://uboachan.net/rules.php in the case that this isn't a troll post.


Nvm, someone else banned her.



Sushimon sent us a ban appeal, and he said that he'd behave better. He sounded sincere, so he has been given a second chance. If you believe that you deserve a second chance shoot us a ban appeal.
All posts off the topic of the fan game in the thread will be removed and users may be given infractions. Sorry :(


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>But you know, it's all about perspective. They could be humorous angels while I'm just a confused fuckwad demon trapped in an inside joke. I don't understand.

Niggah what the fuck is this, uboachan is considered the #1 bashing place thanks to tumblr faggots and people who can't handle criticism, throwing this shit here as a victim is like telling a leukemia patient that because you have lung cancer you have it worse.

>I got fed with hatred as soon as I made my first post on Uboachan

You're saying that thread where, because you made and error explaining what you were looking for and some anons told you so, your friend sushi&co filled it up with teen-tier drama and later raided uboachan? Aw, c'mon.


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Now there is a suicide note


Oh wait, if that's considered some thread of suicide, mods have to take action immediatly and report it to the authorities of the local place of the poster, right?


Whoa okay I'm reading the contents of this thing and Nexus's goodbye
I don't think it's a suicide note though? It's just leaving for now
Honestly, if I were you Nexus, I'd just step away from the business here and see if this game is actually legit or not (I think it is, but anyway I don't expect too much since I assume it's a 0.00?)
and >>10607 I think that's only if there is proof of threats to Nexus from shirotenshi and honestly what are 14 year olds gonna do
So yeah if shirotenshi's actually banned I guess their devblog is still up so we can wait for news there


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Whoops forgot to have my tag to give the post weight.


i want to give this a try but there are no downloads lel


Supposedly, the demo isn't out yet.


o k
the only thing that bothers me are those posters of snk and dmmd
and the fact that the gif and the ingame sprite have different designs (red is on the right on the ingame-sprite, while on the gif its right lel)


The creator is a troll and the game is deliberately awful-looking


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Honestly, im just playing bad fangames so i know what to not to do in my fangame


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I’m reading all these comments that were posted since i left the board….. I can’t believe all this has happened because of us…
I was going to say we uploaded our 0.00 version but i don’t think we’re welcomed here on uboachan at all……so if any of you take us seriously and want to play our game, you can go onto our tumblr and play it. if you still think we’re trolls, you can just stay here :(


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I fucking love it


It's beautiful


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File: 1435313727381-1.png (12.62 KB, 109x93, vipperloid literally fuck ….png)


she dies when she gets touched by chasers
I hope this fangame is a actual joke,


I dear hope it isn't.


its like the continuation of dickme dicky

dickme 2 dicky


Come on guys it's still better than Someday, at least this one has some explaination for the events happening.


explain mudkip effect that does transform into mudkip


File: 1435333083537.png (240.09 KB, 935x720, 1430061534705.png)

>its like the continuation of dickme dicky
>dickme 2 dicky



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Look punk, you don't come in the uboachans and insult Dickme Dicki, have some respect if you dont wanna get rekt



Any fangame with that song in it cannot be serious. I mean it's got a bloody mudkip!

I rate it 8/8 m8 needs more spooky


The game's great dude, it's actually one of my favourite fangames


Serious or not, those rainbow guys in the eyeball world are huge dicks.


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You don't have taste.


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