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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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File: 1344669849310.jpg (399.46 KB, 944x1264, Fi Pictures 235.JPG)


gollygosh sorry for the camwhore picture :/ I can't really take pictures by myself because I'm an idiot. But yeah, I was bored, so I decided to dick around with what makeup I had and I made a closet little sister cosplay?!
I guess.

This makeup was really fun haha


File: 1344669894514.jpg (358.49 KB, 892x940, Fi Pictures 230.JPG)

picture number 2


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and last one

ugh this is bad and I should feel bad but whatever /cos/ is great and you are all great


Looks good, and it just feels like a grown up Sister in my opinion

Why not stick with your usual name though?


Great work on the make-up. Smile/Sister make is is a TON of fun to do. Keep up the good work.

but now it's time for me to be a critic douche bag:

Try adding a bit more black to add some emphasis on the tattoos. Don't just use one color for those wounds on your arms, add some darker reds and such to add a bit more emphasis on the cuts. The outer area looks a bit too "Orange", but that it could just be the camera.

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