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/2/ - 日本 ~redux~

cirno day edition

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Any link to good blogs about life in 'actual' Japan? Please no Danny Choo Akihabara trip-tier shit; I'm looking more for stuff along the lines of 'my daily life in the middle of Bumfuck, Ibaraki'. Bonus points if it's not some JET loser, but an actual Japanese.


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>Bonus points if it's not some JET loser, but an actual Japanese.

Wait, you want it in english, or Dai Nippun?
Because if it's the later, with just skimming over some japanese blogs odds are that you will find some daily-life-posting attentionwhore.

A japanese person writing in english about their life in japan would be pretty weird. Right, devil's proof, I can't say there is none, but I don't think the hopes for that are really that high.



Meant it more like, blogs that are not by foreigners or for foreigners.


>self-hating gaijin syndrome


Interesting question that deserves an answer. It's not a blog, but the television channel TV Japan is the best answer I can think of. My Japanese grandma loves this stuff and shows me her DVR recordings of it sometimes. The channel is mostly Japanese-language but some things are in English.

So yeah you get standard fare like NHK News and some movies/dramas/anime, but there are also some really nice daily-life programs. My grandma showed me stuff like a Japanese island populated with tons of cats that basically own the place, a subway lost-and-found desk and its back room so full of random crap it looks like department store warehouse, and a part of Tokyo with so many foreigners it's starting to feel like New York City. Also, there's another program called Cool Japan which keeps up on random stuff, anything from stationary shops to ridiculously real-looking sushi made from sugar.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TV_Japan shows the channel availability on various TV providers, you might have it already without realizing it.

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