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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General

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I just need the game folder. I saw a similar thread for the portable version but I would prefer the full version.


Just to repeat: I can't use a computer at the moment but I require the game files for a personal project. So I can't run the installer to get them.


Sounds shifty. Are you a journalist?


How are you going to play it without a computer?
Maybe on your PSP or somethin'


no and why would that be bad?
Yes partly and also my computers are down.


please guys

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why the apartment that Madotsuki lives in, only has one room? Where is the bathroom or the kitchen room?


The other rooms are there, but they're invisible to her because they don't matter to her. Only her dreams, her room, and the concrete road below matter.


That's a nice rug…

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it's just one of those days
where you don't wanna wake up


What was at that day?



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Whatever happened to the mobile version of NASU?
It got pulled down from the Android store a long while ago. Is it just lost now?

Did you know there was a semi-official thing done with Visual Novel Maker? It realised only in Japan. I remember seeing it once in Nico-Nico Video, but I haven't been able to find info about it.

What about the stuff made by Surfer's Paradise for the YumenikkiProject?
We have the very small thumbnails, 1 or 2 pics of the machines that had some of those things, and maybe a couple of the shirts and the keychains (normally with huge watermarks on them). Are there not good pics fo them?

The rulers and pens and pins… are they all just gone? No pics of them?

Has someone ripped (would that be the word?) the LINE stickers?



Here's the NASU APK.

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vgperson recently made REM-9 a yume nikki randomizer program.

You can download it here https://vgperson.com/games/rem9.htm

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I made a browser port of NASU. Let me know if it sucks but keep in mind I might cry.



can't get it to show anything other than the "Working…" screen


Do you have javascript enabled?
What browser are you using? Is it up to date?
If you press F12 and check the "Console" tab, does it show any errors?

I should've maybe specified this doesn't support mobile. Also I'm a noob at web development so I'm basically just grasping at straws.


Congratulations, it's just as bad and frustrating as the original.

How long did it take you? It's a pretty neat project to learn HTML5 and whatnot.


Way too long. The first version didn't make use of webgl so it ran like molasses. Then I started looking into webgl, but it's a total nightmare so I ended up using a library called PixiJS which legitimately made things a million times easier. Took me like 2 weeks on-and-off.

Protip: if you're making an HTML5 game, make sure it uses (or defualts to) webgl. Let something like PixiJS take care of the blood sacrifices and satanic rituals that webgl requires. Or better yet use a framework like Phaser (which uses PixiJS) so you don't have to reinvent a dozen wheels, even if you think it's overkill.

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So I just downloaded .Flow from it's original downloading page (I downloaded the English translation).

Everything is working Ok, but how do I put the game on windowed mode? Whenever I start the game it goes into fullscreen, is there any way to play it on a window like the classic Yume Nikki?


Try gently caressing the F keys. One of them toggles windowed/fullscreen and another 1X/2X

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Yume nikki theory:

that guy murdered in the forest is yume nikki's significant other/father/parental figure who died in some sort of ambush with nikki. She survived, but was raped. What's interesting about this location is that it feels distinctively grounded in reality vs the other areas which are often times more abstract. Along with all of the other imagery, like the uterus(s) on the road, and the hands & eyes scattered throughout the entire game, I feel that the most likely reason we come across yume nikki as a complete shut in is because of the trauma associated with rape, combined with losing a significant other.

Murder is a theme throughout Nikki's dreams, she can use a knife to kill almost any NPC character. She can afford to be a complete shut in because of the leftover money from whichever significant other that was murdered in the ambush she was raped in. Nikki literally kills herself at the end of the game, something really terrible (sometimes psychological problems but in this case I don't think that theme aligns with Nikki's dreams) pushed her to taking this action. I believe that terrible thing is the ambush and associated rape.

I'm really ADHD so my thoughts are super disorganized here, this was pretty low effort anyways but sometimes I think my writing is frustrating to read. What do you guys think about my theory, I literally just started playing this game today and am connecting dots. I don't really have a huge ego about a lot of things but I am really good at reading comprehension and interpreting art I scored perfectly in that subject on my SATS, so idk I could just be a complete fucking idiot though im probably wrong and havent seen enough of the game.


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1. There's no character called "Nikki". (Actually, there is. It's the fucking diary on Mado's desk in the real world…)

2(a). This rape therory was overused/spammed to the point that years ago, "Mado was raped" used to be the de facto catchphrase of this very imageboard.

2(b). Not to make fun of you or anything, but again, it has been discussed to death. Lurk a bit more.


How much do you wanna bet you just replied to a bait post?


I was about 70% sure.

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Happy 15th Anniversary Mado, keep on dreaming.
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Best wishes to you, Mado. You'll live forever in my heart.


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15 years, holy shit


That's great, longe live mado


good time a simple time an easy time

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Does anyone have the .idb file? My computer fried so I can't get the file to play on android
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Basically run the game installer and archive the results. That's how you run it on mobile.

Yeah I was trying to entice people to send the stuff


Oh and run the files through the easy rpg emulator


If someone could upload the files once and for all that would be amazing.


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this has to be the cutest mado pic ever. i love her pose, the windows move maker text, the red background, the hearts around her fingers and the music note picture in the left. everything about it is pure perfection

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