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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General

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I don't understand why people think madotsuki is locked in her room? What is the idea/evidense about this theory?
To me it kinda flies in the fave of the themes of social anxiety and being a hikkimori in my view of the game


Sounds like a weird theory and I've never heard of it before. If anyone locked her door, I think it would've been Mado herself.


seen it mentioned a few times
iir it's what the manga actually went with(not that the manga is canon but it seemed to be believed by quite a few people)

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I recently discovered Victor Brauner's artwork, and I was wondering: could it have inspired YN on some level?

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That's true. It wouldn't surprise me if some of the imagery in the game did have religious connotations, especially with the existence of Mayan/Paracas deities.


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There are some forms of media that you'd think either referenced or inspired the game from the modern age, though it could just be coincidental


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Y'know, there was actually a pretty good analysis on /t/ (unheard of, I know. It was like one of the only salvageable posts on there) regarding some of the Peruvian imagery. Genuinely recommend going through it. A number of designs were directly pulled from Paracas textiles, most of which are directly symbolic of dreams and the mythology surrounding dreams in Paracas culture. I'm surprised nobody else has brought this up ever, but Madotsuki's sweater design looks strikingly similar to these military tunics worn by officers of the Sapa Incan military.

Among those, there are also various Japanese cultural references that I'm a little too tired to list off but most should be obvious if you've already gone through the game.

The reason why the discussion of this game is so limited (besides being old) is that everyone has a bad habit of trying to make massive stretches when discussing the game's imagery which lead to very personal, emotionally-charged and often very amateurish interpretations. When you only make interpretations that are nothing of worth, then I guess it's better not to discuss it seriously at all. That's why I find a lot of stuff like this riveting and I think it's depressing that this game's had little to no proper analysis done in the time it's been out.


>That's why I find a lot of stuff like this riveting and I think it's depressing that this game's had little to no proper analysis done in the time it's been out.
Feel free to drop yours whenever you have some time, I guess.


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>I think it's depressing that this game's had little to no proper analysis done in the time it's been out.
There's an excellent one from 2013 (don't be confused by the upload date, the original was deleted) that I think it's unparalleled even to this day. Sadly, it was only in Spanish until recently the reuploader added English subtitles, so I think it's a perfect time to show it to the non-Spanish speaking community.

On the topic of this thread, the user who made this analysis also talked about the possible inspirations for the game's visual aesthetic in other two videos. One covers the pre-columbian art and the other the potential artistic influences in general, the latter one also being an amazing critique on YNDD as well as an analysis of many aspects of Yume Nikki and its fangames. These ones have not been translated to English yet, however, but I'll leave the links here anyway in case you're interested:

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I'm surprised how little has been talked about the influence of various 20th century artists/art movements on Yume Nikki, compared to all the theories/explanations for the aztec imagery. Pictured is a sculpture by the dada artist Jean Arp.
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Pic didn't load for some reason.


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Another one by Masson, The Fruits of the Abyss from 1942.


It's 2020 and we still talk about YN. You can't imagine how happy this makes me. Love you guys


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See >>9141

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Someone made a browser version of the game, I don't think anyone has posted about it yet. So if you're a fan wo can't download the game you can go here http://yumenikki-game.tkool.andapp.jp/


i think it's a port the rpgmaker devs made to advertise the new engine


Oh neat, I didn't know that


it's gone

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yes this is a thing
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Is the Android ver of NASU completely lost then?
Did no one keep a copy?


i still have it on my phone hope this works for you


Works for me. Thank you!


when there will be Super NASU 64

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how active is this site? i remembered that this game exists and how ungodly obsessed i was for the longest time and i recall going on this site a ton and lurking


Eh, not very though I think the nikki board gets a decent bit of traffic. I think its mostly a tight knit community here but I could be wrong. This is mostly a rainy day site for me so I dont know all its ins and outs.


Ah okay, thank you!


Hard to say, sometimes you have 3 posts a day, sometimes 10 but surely never more. It is slow but most of the time quality.

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>yume nikki fanart
>it's a drawing of a druggie madotsuki in eye searing colors
why is the fanart shitty now
also, fanart thread, I guess
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>ugly bg
>drawing madotsuki with lips that big
>forced racial inclusion


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It's weird that some characters are depicted as model-level attractive. Like here. Shitai-san's a dead body that got run over


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Some peoples are just trying to gain internet points by making fanart about trendy topics such as, you know, LGBT/BLM/etc.


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I draw her too occasionally usually in the style of Aosora (vomit-chan) so if you like that style check my stuff out sometime, a lot of it is NSFW because even though the game heavily implies rape almost nobody drew it


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i put le yume nikki on the web, not much else to say

( put your own rpgmaker 2000 games online:
https://wiki.easyrpg.org/development/player/web?s[]=web )


Good job! It actually runs smoother than the steam version


Is that a weird translation you're using?


> Is that a weird translation you're using?

steam version


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that's awesome man, also

yoomy nikey

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Footage of v0.04 found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFuW07XgQco

(Image relevant, it's of an event that was removed in later versions.)
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Gotta love frauds.


A year ago, I met a guy who said he'd played v.0.08 of YN after finding a rar of it on 4chan. We drifted apart and he purged me from his Skype, though.
Do you guys think I should try and reconnect with him and ask if he still has it?


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>after finding a rar of it on 4chan
Sounds fake as fuck. Give it a try, I bet he's going to use the classical "oh I deleted it".


Well, I tried to add him, it's been over a week and he hasn't accepted. Either he's no longer using that Skype account, he doesn't want to reconnect or idk. Guess we'll never know. RIP.


Let's be honest; most of us moved to discord or just left skype altogheter

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Madotsuki’s Room Ver_2019_0108_12:26
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Posting here because /t/ is locked.

Someone on /t/ linked to a Wikipedia article about Japanese-Peruvians.


Here's a sleep-med-fueled theory. What if Mado is a Japanese-Peruvian who grew up in Peru, returned to Japan (maybe as a teen with her parents, giving her no choice), couldn't handle the culture shock, and became a shut-in? She still dreams of Peru, which is all she knew grewing up, even though she failed to fit in there despite wearing a native hairstyle. Her parents would have told her stories of Japan, and maybe of the internment camps in Peru during WWII, and it all would have gotten jumbled in her unconscious. Now a young adult with agoraphobia who can't adjust to living in a highly urbanized country with over 10 times the population density of where she grew up, she feels very hemmed in and trapped, and also culturally unmoored - thanks to her parents' genes she looks too Japanese to be fully welcome in Peru, but she's too influenced by growing up in Peru to feel at home in Japan. She goes back through her memories in her dreams, collecting things that have meaning to her, trying to find her identity. When there's nothing left to collect and nowhere else to go, she ends her life.

Possible connections:

Barracks settlement, bedroom in Number World - internment camps

FC Dungeon - Peruvian ruins visited on class field trips or with family

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Don't think that the culture shock could have such an influence on a young child as long as she hadn't any mental diseases.


That's why I said a teen or young adult, not a young child. I probably wasn't very clear, sorry. I was envisioning someone spending all/most of their childhood in one place and then being uprooted to a different, vastly more crowded place that they feel like they should fit into but don't. I thought of it because of my experience moving from a rural area to a city across the country to go to college. The crowdedness and sheer differentness of it messed with my head pretty bad even though it was the exact part of the country my parents were from, and I grew up hearing all about it so it shouldn't have been a surprise. But yeah I was already half nuts, so there's that. I guess we all kind of insert ourselves into our theories to some degree.


Also consider that as detailed on the Japanese-Peruvians Wikipedia entry, in the 1980s there was a large wave of Japanese-Peruvians migrating back to Japan due to economic crises in Peru and the economic boom in Japan - and the fact Madotsuki has a Famicom in her room, a console from around the same time


This is a very cool thread, I think it's possible Mado is a japanese girl living abroad or a foreigner living in japan

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