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/seccom/ - Seccom Masada

what was his long name again?
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File: 1334473622145.png (1.91 MB, 3200x3000, forgiveme.png)


Drew this about an hour ago, not sure how I feel on it because I got way too into it lol



Oooh, I like it. Why does he have grey blood though?
Also, most people, when they post art, put them in /o/, so it's probably a good idea that you post your art there next time.


yeah, you're right, I should've

and I usually imagine that Masada is monochrome inside and out, >:


That's an interesting way of looking at it. I thought he did that red blood explosion-y thing when you stab him though?
Wait, there was a red blood explosion in Yume Nikki for killing NPC, right? I haven't played Yume Nikki recently.

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