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/seccom/ - Seccom Masada

what was his long name again?
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File: 1332931654226.png (69.56 KB, 452x700, sentimental_masada_sensei_….png)


How are we all so sure that Masada is a boy.


we dont


can we do


because he doesnt have tits


madotsuki and monoe don't either


Well them, do we need to change his/her name now? Seccom sound liek a boys name. Let's make a NEW name from famous peoples names. Who else does (s)he look like?


File: 1332980300350.jpg (119.61 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m1gdbscUve1qdjhs7.jpg)

*Well then
Am I drunk?


According to a baby name website, Masada is a girl's name.


Masada is his surname. It's a Japanese surname.

I always assumed he was male based on the hip to shoulder proportions of the sprite. If he was intended to be female then it would be possible to give a more feminine figure, but the shoulders seem more exaggerated than other sprites.


Madotsuki doesn't have the absolute most feminine figure. It's kind of hard to fit a lot of masculine and feminine figure into sprites. On top of that, we don't know how Kikiyama draws outside of pixel art. It could be sort of like lol.


Masada is Masada.

Gender does not exist to Masada.

Masada is simply a space voyager who wants to play piano for eternity.


I always considered masada androgynous. Maybe Masada was transgendered? There's no real way to tell although it seems like the logical conclusion is male.

Real question is, how big is masada's penis?


as big as mars-san


You guys are all implying Masada is anything more than a bunch of names thrown together to create Seccom Masada. Which is, according to the wiki, "Sentimental Komuro Michael Sakamoto Dada-sensei"
I never saw him as having a gender, but if he were to have one, he'd probably be male. This can hardly be explained, but lots of the fanart shows him as male so I guess I accustomed to that.


because i suppose there's a lot of female characters in the game already and we needed some more dudes
that and he looks like he has short hair and i've always associated short hair with males myself


So does that mean Mafurako-chan is male?


obviously yes


Dat bishie-licious scarf.


because kyukyu is masadas penis TO SCALE

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