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/flow/ - .flow

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So I downloaded .flow, but unfortunately I've ran into a problem. I cannot play it without changing my system locale. (Oddly I have no such problems with Yume Nikki). This is very annoying, as I cannot play Yume Nikki or some other games when the locale is set to Japanese, and I have to restart my PC every time I change locale. I've tried AppLocale, but it doesn't work on Windows 7.

Does anyone know of an alternative to AppLocale for Windows 7 I can use, or potentially an alternate download of .flow (translated) that doesn't require me to change locale to play it?


AppLocale works on windows 7. Are you sure you installed it properly?


I've tried every single way. I've tried the bogstandard way, and it didn't work. Then I tried installing it via elevated command prompt (the way I know a lot of people do it) and whilst it said it had installed properly, I cannot find the application anywhere-I don't think it installed at all. When I tried installing it again (via the elevated command prompt) it said it wasn't a valid installer (this was from the Microsoft page, so it should have been).

I'm using Home Premium if that helps.



Are you, by any chance, just running the .exe as you would do with any other software, or are you right-clicking and opening it with the 'japanese locale' option?


Which .exe, .flow or AppLocale?

When I right-click on .flow there is no "run as Japanese locale" option.



The .flow exe.
Well, if you don't have that option then it means it's not installed correctly.
When you install Applocale, you right-click on what you want to open in jap and selec the 'japanese locale' option to open it, otherwise the game can crash or the moonrunes will be a mess of gibberish symbols.

Try to re-install it again.

Check out the 2kki wiki, if I'm not wrong there was the correct way to install this shit.


OK, well I properly installed AppLocale, but it's on my Administrator account only (I keep my Admin account and standard account separate for security reasons) and I can't find a way to make the programme usable on my standard account.
Now what?



Oh, at long fookin' last, I think I got it working. Thank you so much! *Internet hug*

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