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/flow/ - .flow

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>game starts off with short weird dream sequence you wake from right after
>protagonist(you) has what seems to be akin to light colored bedhead hair, wearing a short skirt and sleeveless top
>uses a handgun and steel pipe sometimes for various reasons
>find themselves in white elevators going to hellish places
>symbolism of growing fetuses/birthing/abortion and whatnot fucking everywhere
>darkhaired counterpart/counterpart that is really a different you is basically the antagonist or a good guy however you look at it
>if it aint blood its dirt or rust or something. dust?
>at some point you meet some asshole in glasses and mysterious creepy but relatively polite if not mentally stable lady that only seeks to do some good even if it means fucking your shit up
>monsters, one of which have nothing but a mouth for a face and another just has some kind of wound that resembles somewhat of a hole replacing their face
>dark haired girls are a reoccuring theme in the game, one in particular actually
>lots of people think you WERE the dark haired little girl at some point or another
>obligatory sewer monster that has the ability to fuck shit up
>speaking of sewers, you can explore many places. a hospital with a morgue in it, some sewers, what seems to be some sort of bar or strip club, and you live in an apartment.
>you have more than one name, technically
>in the end you fuck whatever you have thats been growing in you right in the face several times and then the game happily ends if you did it all right… depending on how you played and how much you did

>yfw i was talking about silent hill 3 the entire fucking time … even though it's no secret that it heavily inspired .flow to begin with.







So wait a minute. If we just listen to what people have already figured out about SH3 we'll know what the hell is going on in .flow?

Sign me up


everything but >people think you were the dark haired girl at one point

never been down that road


various theories talk about how before she got the disease/bleached her hair in some fit of rebellion because teenager/whatever people make up, her hair was darker, and that she could even be smile's little sister

sabitsuki's earlier design WAS dark-haired after all…


>counterpart that is really a different you

Nope. All the rest I can sort of see how it fits in one way or another


rust/memory of alessa

partially smile since hes like sabitsuki's animus/some sort of counterpart, also dark haired like the memory of alessa and can kill her

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