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/flow/ - .flow

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File: 1333962723596.png (35.99 KB, 501x400, fleshworldevent2.png)


Anyone else think this is Sabitsuki's mother and perhaps she died during childbirth?


Not personally. The files for her sprites in that event are named "oniko", or "demon girl".



(but yes!)


As it stands I believe she's the reason Sabitsuki exists. Not necessarily her mother though


I always thought that maybe Sabitsuki's mother was the FC witch.


Isn't this character nicknamed "Mother"?


No. One day on ye olde Ubuuchan's /fg/ .flow thread, someone posted a screenshot of the dying girls event and called it "mother". That's it.

And I think the black-haired girls are Sabitsuki's white blood cells.


The Kaibutsu are the white blood cells and the red demons are the virus. When you face them before the Rust stage, they only have the power to deactivate your current effect. After that, however, they have the power to kill you and even infect Kaibutsu (as of 0.15)
And much like white blood cells, the standard Kaibutsu also eliminates foreign threats to their land, which happens to include Sabi because she does not belong there.

If you're looking at it from a cellular standpoint, anyway.


Then that makes the black-haired girls what, neurons or standard body cells? Considering they all die when the red demons are running amok…


Vital Organs


Yeah but getting hit by a kaibutsu increases your corruption. Not to mention, they seem to have a negative association and the whole point of the game is sabi turning into one.



The only time they infect Kaibutsus is during the Rust Corrupted School event, and even then they're all Sabitsuki Kaibutsus

In fact, the Demons and the Kaibutsus are seen at peace in the Body area, more specifically in that white zone where everything goes to hell after you hit a lone passive Kaibutsu


She reminds me of Alma from F.E.A.R.
dunno why.

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