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Would you donate your blood to keep Sabitsuki alive even if you know she has a terminal disease?

comments like "hurrr, you can't donate your blood to a pile of pixels durrr" aren totally expected. So, be original.


Wait- you mean a normal blood donation, or ALL of my blood so that I would die of blood loss? If it's just a normal donation, then, yeah.


why would i donate blood to someone that's gonna cough it up after having a bad dream


Atleast let her live for a few more days… D:


Well, if it is normal donation, then yes. because:
1)It will let her live a bit linger
2)Free chocolate)))


Wait, I thought they normally gave juice and cookies to blood donors?
…You want chocolate cookies with juice? ;A;


Well, I'm talking about MY country…I know nothing about other countries…in this meaning.
Sure, I want them :D


I wouldn't donate. She seems to be suffering and I'm sure death would feel better then walking around dying. If it would save her I would. But it doesn't look like that will be happening.


What if she is a masochist and enjoys suffering?


Depends on if the outcome of me donating blood would be in her favor - as in, if it prolongs her life as well as if that's what she wants.


I've heard, that somewhere you can get a piece of chocolate or coffee cake…



:c b-but you pay for them in the sugar hole.

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