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/uboa/ - Uboa/Poniko

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Can someone explain the "Uboa is a timelord" theory to me?


That would kind of make sense if you think about it. You can enter uboa to an almost alternate dimension or some shit… Maybe he's like a portal or timelord taking you to an alternat reality, maybe future or past.


I'd think he was a TARDIS instead. Just sayin'.


X is a timelord is just a dumb joke from TVtropes. They have a section on their site for 'wild mass guessing' which is just theories and speculation, as the name implies. They're usually fun but most of them are just stupid bullshit and injokes. It could be filled with ACTUAL speculation but a lot of it is just ____ is a timelord.


You, sir, are blowing it WAYYYY out of proportion. Yes, there are "X iz ai tiemloard durp" theories, but that's usually none, or once a WMG page. There are other WMGs, dude.

Calm your tits.


uboa is timelord. touching him ends time.

the creature in the background of post-uboa land?

madotsuki's imagination

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