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/uboa/ - Uboa/Poniko

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File: 1322789331953.jpg (567.93 KB, 1700x2340, File186.jpg)


So, I was watching MikeNnemonic's LP of LSD Dream Emulator, and he got the book and scanned it. I downloaded the pictures and was looking through them when I saw this. Given that Yume Nikki was inspired by LSD, I think this may be the inspiration for Uboa.

The caption says "a dream about someone seeing a vision of the end of the world, and who cannot escape from this vision. The person seeing the vision is a female prophet."

Not really relevant, but I'll be damned if that doesn't look like Uboa.


File: 1322792431674.jpg (240.69 KB, 646x676, sugoi monogatari.jpg)

B-but yume nikki wasn't inspired by LSD… :c
Still, it does rather look like Uboa. Then again, Scream does too.



Dammit, cannot unsee.


File: 1324080392115.bmp (249.59 KB, 311x273, Ergo-5.bmp)

Isn't she the chick from Ergo Proxy?


Could also be the chick from Evanescence.
So many references…


Poniko's a female prophet, and when the lights are out, you can step into that vision of the end of the world. You also cannot escape that vision without waking up.

Sounds relevant to me.


that actually sounds really cool.

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