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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki

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How did they get away with Marijuana Goddess World and the weed farmer? I don't know much about Japanese culture but I heard even marijuana use is deeply stigmatized.


marijuana use is also deeply stigmatized in america and often condemned and made fun of
i don't know if those are the official names of the farmer and goddess either, they may just be fan names
but anyway, not everyone adheres to society, same goes for Japan and every other country in the world.


I think it's just some kind of comic relief, just like all those mushrooms.


Its just a video game with images of marijuana. Its not like they have "SMOKE WEED ERRYDAY" in bold letters. Its artistic. And I'm pretty sure they can't arrest people over that.


I think it's a lot more harsher than north america's view on it. It's just weird to see actual explicit drug references in Japanese pop culture.

I'm not sure if Marijuana Goddess World is official or not now that I think about it.


Oh god brings me back memories of trying to explain to Earthbound tards that the mushrooms in mother 3 are drugs. Also We <3 Katamari helps you hunt the right mushrooms and tells you which ones made them roll over laughing….lol mushrooms


It was some drawings and pictures of weed, it wasn't videos of the creators smoking it. It's kind of like how people in South Park kill and rape people all the time even though murder and rape isn't legal in the USA.

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