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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki

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I got Urotsuki to fall out of her bed after running through a forest. Anyone else have had this happen?


I've had her jump out of bed with a start, but I don't think I've had her fall out of bed. Considering that there are a couple of different areas that could described as forest, could you describe the area in greater detail and what you were doing at the time?



I had gotten out of a UFO and then went into an area in which I couldn't access my effects or my menu, I could only use the effect I had on me which was the Motorbike.

Once I went south, I was put into a long passageway in which I was being chased. They eventually got me, and it faded out to the real world.



Oh, she actually woke up on the ground; she didn't jump out of bed and fall, etc.



Ah, okay. I've had that happen to me before.

There's another event that causes Urotsuki to wake in the same manner, but I forget what it is… Urgh! This is going to bother me until I remember what it is!


This is p. old
i think the other event you're thinking about is the clowns in the underwater carnival


Yes, it is. I'm not certain why I had so much difficulty remember that. Thank you.


I always stay off the path to avoid making this happen

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