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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki

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File: 1321525499129.jpg (38.07 KB, 600x450, 274988.jpg)


Alright guys. I've never posted here before but I'm an avid reader of just about every single thread. I have tried just about every single download link to get Yume 2kki and .flow, but nothing works. I've tried doing the thing to make my computer recognize Asian language, and that still won't work. I've downloaded the RPG Maker 2000, it still didn't work. All I want is to quietly play those two games for the rest of my life is that too much to ask for. But seriously, if you have any direct links to yume 2kki/.flow it would be greatly appreciated. [also not sure if this is where I need to post this. Sorry. Also pic unrelated]

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