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/t/ - Theories

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File: 1335471486633.png (87.11 KB, 954x661, facademado.png)


This explains everything.


Then explain melons


File: 1335791937656.png (195.08 KB, 500x500, 1328702452080.png)

Let me fix you a drink.


She keeps stabbing melons with a kitchen knife. They are scared. The end.


This.. this changes everything..



i am so tired of melon jokes
he is probably offended by the word melons/Melon because the system is built to react to key words rather than whole sentences and melons is a slang term for BOOBS so the dum computer thinks youi are talking about his wifes boobs
fuckin christ


Wrong section and thread. Pro posting abilities.


how is this the wrong section and thread? its a thread related to facade
someone mentioned the stupid melons
someone even asked for explanation of the stupid melons
i have commented on the stupid melons
pro reading abilities


Trip obviously had a traumatic experience involving Melons. He was probably raped by a melon. And the Melon was his piano teacher. Who died because he was hit by a melon driving through a traffic light.

There ya go, two birds with one stone. Yume Nikki and Facade, all wrapped up. Cases fuckin' closed.

Now let's all go outside and enjoy the sun.

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