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/t/ - Theories

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Where does Madotsuki poop/pee/menstrate? There's no bathroom and she never leaves her room.


I always thought she goes out when she really needs to use the bathroom, but only then. And when the game is taking place, she don't need to go out.


In her bed.


File: 1332650471919.jpg (55.78 KB, 1022x584, thisisstupid.jpg)

What the fans don't know is that when Mado goes to sleep she literally wakes up in her dream world, body and all. Because of this she literally has to travel through a world of monsters and mayhem just to take a piss. Nerves of Steel, man.


That makes sense, that's why she does't care about what bathroom she's in. Everytime I play YN from now on I'll use the bathroom first.


I think we have learned the true meaning of the poop hair effect.


Probably off of the balcony .3.



Well, she's basically the female version of a stereotypical basement-dwelling neckbeard supersperg so she probably poops/pees/menstruates on herself and doesn't care enough to clean it. Then she plays shitty eroges about rape and whines on the internet about being a virgin and blames it on normalfags and feminists and not on the fact that she smells like shit and never leaves her fucking room.


>>807 Interesting and new theory! I've always imagined Madotsuki to be a lucid dreamer, not somebody who could transport herself to other dimensions.

Theory: The only reason Madotsuki doesn't have a bathroom in her apartment is that Kikiyama was too lazy to make another room and going to the bathroom is not essential to gameplay.

Theory #2: She lives in a place where all the inhabitants have to share a bathroom and the bathroom is outside her apartment. Yes, I have been to a place like this while I was visiting my relatives.

Theory #3: She lives in an attic or basement of a store. The bathroom is located in the store. A part of the reason she refuses to leave her room is that she doesn't have to go to the bathroom/is not hungry.


AAH I forgot about her balcony for a second. If she does live in a store, she lives in its attic.


I think that the first theory is more plausible. Not because he was lazy, just see how big this game is, but because there is no need for the gameplay to have a bathroom and a kitchen. But i still think that her apartment isn't restricted just to the bedroom/balcony.


Oh god, why does everyone here goes like "it's her no bathroom weird appartment" Dear heavens, can't this just be HER/HIS BEDROOM inside a bigger appartment?

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