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/t/ - Theories

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New theory on Mado's damage!: Madotsuki is upset because she has terrible hair
1. So many hair themed effects
2. Uboa is symbolic of when she sleeps too long or too much, her hair gets all crazy and gross, and poniko is symbolic of how she can't get close to having such nice hair, how close she is to having nice hair, but yet so far
3. She feels ostracism about her hair from other people, especially the toriningen, showing that even ugly people with nice hair can shun you
4. Monoe represents how she feels people with nice hair sneer at her. Monoe's hair is nice and straight and frames her face well
5. Monoko represents how Mado thinks she looks, though she looks fine, once she stops and looks at herself, she feels she looks disgusting and mangled and has terrible hair.
6. The jinglebell jellyfish are the physical manifestation of her hair woes. They are kinda slimy and look like hair [spoiler] and when she dies, her hair is still terrible and the demons still stick around [/spoiler]
7. Kyuu Kyuu Kun represents that she lost her hairdryer and she misses stroking it, FACE is just what the part of the hairdryer that blows air out looks like when it's blowing air

pic related, her hair is totally weird in this pic.




The only thing I can't explain is hair themed objects but I don't think this is right


Even if her hair is bad, do you think she would atually kill herself over something like that? If it was really that horrible, she could shave it off and wear a wig or something.


Sorry, I forgot to spoiler.

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