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/t/ - Theories

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So, post your crack theories here.
Pic unrelated.


Maddysuki lived with her dad, who beat her. Her mom was always at working, and the only time she could see her would occasionally be when she came to visit. But the visits were growing so long and so far apart she thought that she would never come back. She kept a recording of her mom under her bed. The only thing she said on the tape was WORKING, PLEASE WAIT.

Maddysuki is afraid of her father (masada) not loving her so she locked herself up in the shitty bedroom that belonged to her sister (monoko) who died before she was born. Her, along with her dff4lyf (monoe) died in a fiery car crash. 3 ppl died, mono, monoko, & shitai-san, a teacher at the local school maddysuki currently goes to. Then only pics maddysuki saw of her sis&bff4lyf were in black and white, which is why their black & white in the game.

Being cooped up in her room forever made maddysuki start experimenting with the more…. steamy things (if you know what i mean). She kept a box of dildoes under her bed, her favourite being the bir RAINBOW DILDO that she would use almost erryday.

One day maddy noticed that her eyes were getting bad. She agreed to come out of her room ONLY to see her eye doctor. At the doctors office, she had to take an eye test. it was a normal eye test, but she noticed that it just looked like une jumbled up staticky FACE.
Her eyesight got progressively worse and worse until one day, the world was an eternal darkness. She couldnt see anything. Her eyes had kept shut bcuz her parents wanted her eyes to stay in good condition (not all dry and ugly).
They took her back to the office. While she was waiting her mom informed her that there was another girl in the office. Her mom said she was wearing a pretty green sweater, a nice brown skirt, and a long flowing blonde ponytail. Maddy wanted to go talk to her, but with her newfound disability, she felt like she would be unnable to truly connect with her.

The girl she wanted to talk to felt the same way. She was born mute, and tried her best to reach out to maddy, but to no avail.

Maddy got the results back from the doctor, and in fact, she was blind. Depressed and disgruntled, she locked herself in her room, wondering why this had to happen to her. The only solace she found was in art, because she loved to PAINT HARDBOILED EGGS, the only thing she could do that wouldnt turn into a complete mess. Because painted eggs always look good. Sleeping was also something she loved to do, because she could actually see her family again.

One day a bird was chirping outside her window. She went outside to see it, and unknowingly stepped on one of those workout steppy-stacky thingies that you see at the gym. She outreached her hand to get to the animal, but suddenly felt her knees buckle. This had been the first time she had been outside, and felt herself slip. She could hear the wind rushing past her face, and she knew that she would soon be reunited with her sister.

Yume nikki by kikama


Mado is really poniko who is really monoko who used to be monoe who was dating FACE.

That was fun.


Madotsuki is a chicken(She lays eggs), and was made fun of by all the other birds.


THIS. Just This. Rusch has solved the game.


That makes a lot of sense, but how did she paint eggs if she was blind?


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Let's see.
Crack theories.

Madotsuki was a whore and the events symbolize some outfits she wore, or things she came into contact with.

For example, let's go with the umbrella event.

Well, one day she was out on the corner, doing her thing- and it started raining. When you gain access to the other world, that is her running down the street to get away from the rain, she then stumbles across a Shitai, who was hit by a car running from the police.

Remember that guy sliding his hand on the pole? Yeah, he wanted her to dance for him.

Three dorra sucky sucky.


I looked it up on Wikipedia, and it appears to be a fictional film.


I now know that some blind people can do great things, but, I'm just saying a film probably isn't the best example. Unless I understood the Wikipedia article wrong, or there is some other House of Flying Daggers.



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Here is one of her paintings btw


What? No really, what?


And Uboa represents that one time when she was going to some guy with a ponytails pink girly house because she was a hooker and she accidentally cut his face.


Masada was on crack. Monochrome world is cocaine.

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