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/t/ - Theories

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File: 1419784810860.bmp (3.3 KB, 48x48, wtf.bmp)


I found out that if you view the side Madotsuki's sprite,you may understand if she's pregnant by her large belly.She is not the only one,but since most fangame protagonists are originated from her sprite,they are also all pregnant to me o.O


File: 1421908419833.png (317.76 KB, 540x602, 58fd5357d5be1977a913eba4ef….png)

Why wasn't this shit deleted?


this is not weird at all


that would explain where all the eggs came from


Hehe,I'm back!The reason why I"unintendedly"left is terrible so that can't tell you that.


There's less supporting evidence and it's mainly used to support the rape theory. It's more likely she had an abortion, but it's hard to assume she's currently pregnant. There's not enough fetal symbolism, but plenty of violence and horror symbolism involving wombs. You might also consider the transgender theory, which directly opposes this one, but not the rape theory. It uses some of the same evidence in another way.


You might like .flow, by the way. It's highly likely that Sabitsuki is pregnant or had an abortion. If you like pregnancy symbolism, .flow is a goldmine that is barely touched.


As for the sprite, she's a chibi with tapering clothes. You're overthinking that part.

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