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/t/ - Theories

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File: 1397653705763.png (6.32 KB, 176x174, Mado's_Room.png)


I just realized that Mado's room doesn't have a toilet. (Or the game doesn't show it to us.)
Assuming that it doesn't, there are two possiblities;
1)Madotsuki pees in her dreams.
2)The only exit in the room is a toilet, and she doesn't want to go in there because she doesn't need to pee.
Meaning Mado's room may not have an exit.


File: 1397668814367.jpg (147.8 KB, 732x485, 1394927472755.jpg)

Old news. Tons of theories.

Some imply kikiyama didn't put a bathroom there because, c'mon, it would be totally pointless.

Other say that "the real world" is inside a dream too, which is why there is no bathroom. However that's stupid because there are toilettes inside the dream world.

And so on.

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