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/t/ - Theories

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What if Sabitsuki, Urotsuki, and Madotsuki were all involved in something like a murder, RHAPE, or some kind of robbery that they feel extremely guilty about. I believe Madotsuki was a child they dragged along with them and was totally innocent, but was plagued with this morbid curiousity of what actually happened. Sabitsuki actually committed the crime, which is why her dreams tend to be darker. Urotsuki was involved but not like Sabitsuki was, and is old enough to understand what she did. Chie is a friend that Madotsuki confided in who feels guilty because she promised not to tell anyone, but knows that she should.
What do you guys think?
Pic slightly related



What if all of those characters are completely unrelated, being from different games that were made by different people who had never met (or, most likely, even spoken to) each other?


by reading this I'm thinking that Madotsuki rapist is Claus from Earthbound Saga…



now we are two, and maybe mado is also the mother of gyigas, who was aborted by Nes during one of her slumbers and didn't noticed… WAIT, Mado is also the "little pumpkin" sister of Max Laughton and she didn't die from disease, but from tossing herself from the 42 floor trying to catch the Hitchniker

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