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/t/ - Theories

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Urotsuki was probably/is a murderer who is trying to escape her past and/or the police.

-Aoshiru, someone who was badly injured by Urotsuki and put in a special room so Urotsuki couldn't find him, this failed and he was killed.

-Falling figures in the Urban Street area and Stretch effect, Urotsuki pushing people off a building, since the Stretch Effect's action is crying she might have regretted pushing one of them off.

-The Baddies Bar, Urotsuki went in disguise to assassinate a certain person but failed and was put into prison for a period of time, she might have managed to escape.

-The ending when she leaves her room and is seen on her bike driving past certain NPC's might mean she manages to put almost everything behind her and is going to start a new life.


It would explain why she murders a little boy in cold blood.

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