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/t/ - Theories

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File: 1362585773613.jpg (229.03 KB, 1800x3500, Monoko.full.905310.jpg)


I have a theory that Monoko was is a ghost that was killed in a car crash. And she gets scared every time she see the red light because it reminds her of how she died.


Oh and Monoko thread.


I think that's what everyone assumes as-is? It'd be interesting if people came up with a different theory, like maybe Mado WISHED that she was caught in a Car crash for some reason.


>maybe Mado WISHED that she was caught in a Car crash for some reason.

I like this train of thought, please do go on.


Yeah like, maybe Monoko was really Bitchy to Mado?



Or maybe Mado's just a terrible person?


Well since we're on the topic, here's my theory:
Monoe and Madotsuki are actually representations of Madotsuki and how she views herself. Something happened to Madotsuki which traumatized her and changed her for life. Madotsuki wishes she could go back to the person she used to be but is fundamentally unable to. Hence when she finds Monoe she simply fades away; she is an idealistic goal forever beyond Madotsuki's grasp.

Monoko represents how Madotsuki sees herself now. No longer is she the optimistic young girl instead she's a misshapen and grotesque monster.

So basically Madotsuki one time witnessed a horrific car accident as a young girl and it greatly scarred her. I'm not saying it's the sole reason she seemingly gave up on life but it could be in her mind the moment everything began to go down hill.
Maybe she saw the accident near the beginning of middle or high school and that's around the time her life started falling apart.


File: 1363964808969.jpg (76.94 KB, 511x420, 1363616406115.jpg)

I like the idea… Intriguing…


That gives some reason for the characters to be monochrome too huh


Mado would've had to have at least seen someone or known someone that was or resembled Monoko. Because it is a fact that everybody you see in your dreams is somebody you've seen in real life.


Not actually everyone, but the people in your dreams are made up of little bits and bobs of people you know


Or don't know.

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