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/t/ - Theories

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File: 1362004681790.png (404.56 KB, 750x854, 19387229.png)


mado wasn't raped


You're Owl


who dat


my world is lies


File: 1362006651864.png (68.62 KB, 1103x646, kkkkmmmkmk.png)


is this the person
i found them by googling "yume nikki owl"


yep, he's kinda girly



how cute


File: 1362020398770.jpg (76.9 KB, 437x400, obvioustroll.jpg)

That's the most ridiculous theory I've ever heard. Honestly, what the hell is even wrong with you? How could you possibly even entertain such an absurd thought?

Reported, hidden, filtered, and called the cops.




You're Owl


no I'm not

what would you accept as proof


I think you misspelled "was".


Yeah but where does the rape fit in


how high were you when you posted this


Mado lived a very happy life in her apartment but accidentally walked off some stairs she found on her patio.

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