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/t/ - Theories

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Mmm, yeah, pretty nice and hopeful, since she doesn't really dies, but seems really green yet, and needs to be polished. I mean, he just saw 2 areas and then, Ka-boom! A entire theory (although everything else would be irrelevant in such situation). Isn't bad for a first impression, though.


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I want to use this theory as an easter egg for my game.


The theory makes sense, but to explain all of the other symbolism and things (like the stuff that makes people point twords Madotsuki being raped etc.) you'd have to also have something about what the trauma was or what led up to it.


I like this theory.



Kids have vivid imaginations, and can imagine some seriously scary shit.



Yeah, overall, they all know paraca's culture and symbolism and that's why they dream with it.<-Don't take this seriously

No, really, I don't think all that symbolism just appeared there because of nothing in first instance.
You're right with that that kinds can imagine things really fucked up and scary, but not with all the symbolism of diverse cultures about dreams and the way to solucionate internal problems through dreams.


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>The ability to have the same dream repeatedly with no change in information is nearly impossible and is far more likely to be an aspect of one over-arching, deep state of unconsciousness.

>Madotsuki can fall asleep in exactly three seconds in the real world, even after repeated terrifying nightmares. This is not a likely ability to have in reality.

>In the dream world, her only task is to seek and find 24 effects which are randomly scattered

>Using gameplay elements as an argument for a theory




I don't think the consistency of the dreams is a gameplay element so much as a design element. Granted it's hard to make things random in RPG Maker, but the way it's structured into the different worlds with consistent entrances is qutie strange.


Not at all. There are plenty of random elements in Yume Nikki. If you wanted to represent having different dreams, you could just roll the RNG when Mado goes to bed which places her in one of a range of disconnected dream worlds.

Although you could argue that the Nexus is essentially a representation of having different dreams each time, which merely removes the randomness and gives the player more control over what Mado dreams about.

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